Angie Bonk
Angie’s life as a gamer is a story told 1,000 times over. Life, Sorry, Clue and an occasional game of Parcheesi. Did Parcheesi have a dice cup? Who knows, it’s a world apart from games like Feast for Odin, Arkham Horror LCG or Terra forming Mars. If it doesn’t have workers to feed, disgusting creatures with unpronounceable names or ugly card art why play it!? Well, because building the engine of anamorphic woodland creatures can be relaxing and bend your mind at the same time. Just kidding, Everdell doesn’t give her ap exactly, but in truth she is prone. Fortunately, Chris is a patient gaming partner, and he hasn’t been buried by a pile of games that don’t fit in a Kallax. Is this bio all over? Sure, try giving the podcast a listen. You will find out it’s the way her mind works, and it can be quite entertaining at times.