Chasing Meeples
A lighthearted take on board games with a sprinkling of hilarity - when you listen to Chris and Angie on Chasing Meeples, expect witty banter, game discussions, quizzes, and game night stories. Perfect for gamers of all levels looking for a faith-friendly gaming conversation.
Chasing Meeples
The Feeding: Raccoon Restaurant, Ynaros Fallin', The Top 5 Feeding Games, and More!
Get ready for The Feeding: a mouthwatering feast of board game goodness. Angie and Chris discuss their experience with two prototype games, Raccoon Restaurant (Dinky Games) and Ynaros Fallin'! (Peekwik Dreams)
Join us as we discuss another trip to The Gnoshery, a cozy board game cafe located in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, where we indulged in games like Caesar!: Seize Rome in 20 Minutes!, Boop, and Castle Party. We'll spill the beans on why Caesar left us feeling underwhelmed and celebrate our thrilling acquisition of My Shelfie.
But that's not all! Angie and Chris discuss their top five list of feeding games. So, grab your favorite snacks and join us for a smorgasbord of board game insights and fun in this appetizing episode of Chasing Meeples!
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It's time for a long overdue episode of the wildly popular podcast Chasing Meeples. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you the feeding. Should we be excited or run for the hills? Only one way to find out.
Chris:Hello everybody, this is the Chasing Meeples podcast. I am your host, chris, and as always, I am with my lovely co-host.
Angie:Hello, hello, it's Angie.
Chris:Oh, yes, we are going again. We got another episode of the Chasing Meeples podcast, angie. There has been so much going on in our life right now that I actually, after this podcast is recorded, have two podcasts to edit because, well, we have been so busy, but it is so exciting, so exciting that I cannot wait to talk about it And we're going to talk about it. We're going to talk about it, but we're not going to talk about it right now. We're going to talk about a little bit of banter right.
Angie:That's right.
Chris:All right. So, banter schmianter, what are we doing? What are we talking about, angie, come on, come on, high energy.
Angie:I don't know You got this. look on your face like you want to jump out of your seat and I have a feeling like something you want to say.
Chris:No, no, no, You're just like. this is high energy baby.
Angie:You look like that guy who preps the audience. Stand up and clap and stuff like that.
Chris:That's what I'm doing. That's what I'm doing. I'm getting the meeple chaser pumped.
Angie:Oh okay, You're getting that pumped. I'm just looking at you like you're nuts.
Chris:Well, I am, but that's okay. I am getting everybody pumped for our episode. What did we call this episode?
Chris:Feeding. This is the feeding episode.
Angie:Well, I want to say food. How about edible? No, no. No How about digestibles No.
Chris:No, how about feed?
Angie:Feed Okay.
Chris:This is the Chasing Meeple's feeding episode. Feeding episode. It'll all make sense, ladies and gentlemen, you'll make, you'll do something.
Angie:I trust you.
Chris:Oh well, even I don't know if I'm able to make something cool out of the word feeding, we could do food. No, we could do food. No, we're locked in feeding.
Angie:Sustenance? I don't know. We could think of something else.
Chris:The feeding.
Angie:The feeding. It sounds like a horror movie.
Chris:It does. That's why I'm doing it. The feeding All right, so we have some pretty cool stuff to talk about. In the last episode we did mention that we had a couple board game publishers send us their prototypes. One of them was Earno's Falling. We got a chance to play that game. I think we talked a little bit about it so I don't want to spend too much time on it. We did send it off to another person to check out and I hope they enjoy it about as much as we did. It was fun. I definitely think after playing it it does shine at two players.
Angie:I think so. I think it's a head-to-head two player battle. I can't really see it playing any other way.
Announcer Dude:Yeah.
Chris:The other excitement is once again like we mentioned in the last episode. Dinky Games did reach out to us and they wanted to know if we were willing to check out a new prototype for a game that they're going to be bringing to Kickstarter soon, and this one is different than the last game that they kickstarted. The last game had a Regency theme, so we're talking Pride and Prejudice, all that good stuff. Can't think of it? Jane Austen novel stuff. Bridgerton Yeah that's the other one, and that game was quite a fun game to play.
Chris:Yeah, we talked about that on a previous episode And if you go to our YouTube channel, you will be able to check out the video that we did about that game. But we are not talking about the season. We are talking about their newest creation, Raccoon Restaurant. So describe Raccoon Restaurant for the Meeple Chasers.
Angie:Oh, I can describe Raccoon Restaurant really well. You want me to do it.
Angie:Audible teacher. How to play the game.
Angie:Here we are. The board is set up to play our game. Every person gets a player board and a chef. Each chef has a unique ability. They're very interesting. One chef has the ability to You're laughing.
Chris:I'm laughing because this What are you laughing? You finally get to.
Angie:One chef has the ability to fill up their bowls with three items instead of two. Another chef has the ability to continue gathering food much past the timer. One chef has the ability to feed the pig one less item And the other chef has the ability to. When they get cards, they get to get six cards instead of five, And I'll tell you what that really means.
Chris:What does that mean?
Angie:That's going to mean because there are three dumpsters. Everything in this game is cleverly named And there are three dumpsters. There are a green one, a blue one and a yellow one, and they have all matching color chips to them, and each dumpster has unique combination of ingredients. And the first thing you're going to do is the gather phase And you are going to set a 30 second timer. Each player is going to reach into two of the three dumpsters, turning over chips, one at a time. They're going to take the food stuff and they're going to place it into a bowl on their foodstance.
Chris:You're doing wonderful. You're doing better than the guy who narrated the video. I know what you're doing here.
Angie:Every person can put two of the same ingredient into a bowl, but they can never put more than those two ingredients on the entire board.
Chris:That is what I forgot during the rules teach, but that's fine. Right now, the Meeple Chasers get to this, ladies and gentlemen. ladies and gentlemen, i got it.
Angie:It's only the gather phase, Chris.
Chris:We still have two other phases, Yeah absolutely, but you know, ok, all right, to our listeners out there, the look on her face right now is a look of. I should have been doing the one doing the voiceover during the rules. Teach you, you. I'm going to show you right now. I'm going to show you right now, chris, i can tell that is what you're doing. You are doing it. This is.
Announcer Dude:She's laughing because she's she's.
Chris:She's in about two seconds. She's going to fall off her chair.
Angie:Job telling all the people. People Chasers game.
Chris:Our measles the measles the measles chasers, chasers. No, OK, sorry, I did not mean to cut you off, Go on.
Angie:All right, then we're going to go into the feed phase. In the next phase of the game, each player gets five cards. Unless you are the green chef, he gets six, and then we'll discard one of those cards. You're going to take your turns. You're going to lay out your food chips on each of the cards. You're going to try to feed as many cards as possible Little animals.
Angie:They all have little clever names. Each one is worth a different amount of points, so you want to feed the ones that have the most points, obviously, first. So the way you play is you lay your cards out and then you play your, and that's kind of the way you play all your type of resource management type of games. I've always noticed that that you're laying, and I kind of picked that up on some of the games, but you lay your resources aside on your cards and you kind of maybe hold them off the side and stuff like that. So with this game I know you're laying down your cards, you're putting the food that you need on them, and then here's your tip If there's another card there that you'd rather use the hot dog on, you can always take it off there and put it on a different card.
Chris:Yep, that's, that's what I was doing.
Angie:That's what you do, anyway. When you're done feeding the animals that you can't feed, play proceeds to the left and you are going to pass your cards to the person on your left. You are now mimicking the idea if your rat did not get fed in your rush on, it's going to go home hungry and he is going to move on to that rush drawn on the left to see if they can get fed there. Play is going to proceed like that around the table until all the animals have been fed that would be fed, and then you're set the ones aside that you have fed. You're going to go to the cleanup phase and this is where you're going to return all the chip back into the dumpsters. You can clean off any on your player board that you wish to. You do not have to, you can keep those, and after five rounds of play like this, everybody will total up their points and the player with the highest score is going to win. And that is how you play raccoon rush draw.
Chris:And you know that was very good. That was very good And OK. So when we're talking about tips, i got a tip for everybody out there. Here is my strategy The green raccoon chef has the ability to draw six cards, as opposed to the five customer cards that you normally get. I like the green chef because, well, greens my favorite color.
Chris:Hence I am the green meable. But I digress. Here's a tip for you If you're the green raccoon, take a look at a person at the table. Figure out what their power is. So example Angie was the yellow chef. Angie was that power on. The yellow chef has the ability to pay one less resource for a pig card, all right. So the pig cards are usually some per the valuable cards. Now the most valuable customers are the bears.
Angie:Bears, yep Bears, But the pigs they're right up. Well, i think they're four pointer. Yeah Yeah, bears are six.
Chris:Bears are six, pigs are four or five, something like that. Yep, so so I would, if I couldn't fulfill a pig. That was the card I discarded. No pig card for Angie, and I would look at her bowls too. I was, i was, like it was, like it was Johnny. I was, i was really doing that.
Angie:You're like trying to medigate on that raccoon rush. God, in this little light weight family game, filler game, one that eight year olds could play, you're trying to medigate. Oh my God, this doesn't surprise me at all, does not surprise me.
Chris:I don't like to lose. We've already covered this. We've already established that you don't like. I don't like to lose.
Angie:Even a prototype game you're not going to lose to me.
Chris:Because I lose too much.
Angie:Actually. No, your win percentage has gone up. Well, it was last year Two twenty two thousand twenty two. You suck, But you're getting better. You're getting better. Thanks, I think if you look at your app you'll find out. Yes, Chris does record everything in a special app And he's got a pie chart and he knows when I am beating him.
Chris:All good gamers should be doing it. It is the BG stats, the board game stats app, available on Android and Apple iOS I'm pretty sure it's on iOS, but anyway, this game, this, this thing, is pretty awesome. So, yes, everything is recorded.
Angie:Check out. What do we have?
Chris:Well let me take a look here For the year so far. Twenty twenty three. I have a sixty three percent win percentage. You've gone up. Yeah, you have a thirty six percent win percentage. You went down. No kidding year. I'm gonna curse myself. 2023, the year of Chris, let's see. 2022 you had a 50% win percentage, i had a 49%. 2021 I had a 50%, you had a 45 and then, sense, that's not 100.
Chris:Yeah, it is not 100, you are correct and in the year of Angie 2020, there's a story behind that one. Everybody You actually did have you beaten by 1%, 53% win percentage over my 53, 54. You had 54 and I have 53.
Angie:That's over a hundred.
Chris:Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's a win percentage Oh.
Angie:Oh, okay.
Chris:So that means out of okay 54% of the time that we played.
Angie:You won All right.
Chris:Capiche okay, get it. No, is now what you do. You look up each?
Angie:I don't know.
Chris:Oh, come on, you were here like looking at me like I was nuts, when I was like What is Shamil and what is a shama's and you've never heard a capiche.
Angie:Well, first you, it was. Such a whisper is almost like an ASMR and I'm thinking, was that like a rat noise? Because we were just talking about raccoon restaurant and they have like rats and I'm thinking, what is this little?
Chris:I randomly make rat noises.
Angie:I had no idea what you're doing and you're like Capiche.
Chris:Yes, I even have a hand thing going fish.
Angie:Don't you know a capiche? Do you know what capiche means? do you actually know what capiche means?
Chris:you get it, you understand.
Angie:Do you understand?
Chris:do you understand?
Angie:Yeah, you understand.
Chris:Told you Capiche, also known as The raccoon noise or rat noise. All right, so we're. We're good enough to have it here.
Angie:No, we never, never, never, all right so?
Chris:Yeah, so that was excellent. You know I enjoyed the game. When we first played it, i Was shocked at how light it was right like I Don't know how. Not shocked, i guess maybe You weren't expecting it, wasn't expecting it, right.
Angie:But the more we played it, the more it grew on me right.
Chris:So Thinking about. That's a quick filler game. It's a good, you know good game to get people together. Just throw it on the table.
Angie:Non-gamers, family gathering, where you have not gamers, and I think it would do better at a higher player count. I think it would do better at a higher player count most the time we played it at two, yeah, we played with Alice, we did play it three, but I'm thinking a higher player count. A family gathering, people you know, just kind of the grabbing in the Dumpster, diving. Yeah, i could just kind of be fun and silly and what food are you grabbing and who You know you can make it. You can make it lighthearted and entertaining. I think the more people you play with yeah, fun people.
Chris:Yep. So Definitely not for those that are looking for something heavy. But if somebody's looking for something to play with your kids or some non-gamers and just have a good party night, yeah, i think that would be a good game if I could offer up one. One thing that I did not like about it, and Is the fact that Maybe it's just me right, like, if you're gonna have a game that You time, throw in a sand timer. Yeah, throw in a sand timer. Like, yes, everybody's got a cell phone, but I think I Think just going that effort, that that I think I think the sand timer Flipping that everybody, even if, you know, everybody has a cell phone and there are a certain generation of people.
Angie:Even if they do, there's not a timer on them right you know. So, yeah, i think a timer It's a time or would be a good idea, because even if you're giving it to younger people, what if you're gonna give it to it as a gift to you know? a 10 12 year old. Yep now old, or something like that.
Chris:Oh, granted, most children have cell phones at that age? Yeah but, So I don't know. I would just say the addition of a sand timer would have been well, i think so too, i think so too again, prototype copy.
Chris:Prototype copy Might be added at the end of the Kickstarter, yeah, or at some point in time during the process. Who am I to say? Just a guy who got a chance to play the game. So thank you to dinky games. Thank you, let it, for letting us try it. So good stuff. And we did record a Kickstarter preview video and we, by the time you listen to this, it'll probably already be on our YouTube channel, so you should check it out. Okay, so now remember. Remember last time we we had a podcast. You do not like stuff that Chris finds interesting. You promised me you were gonna have a better title for What did we play this week? So what is it?
Angie:I didn't oh.
Chris:Oh, oh, it was on there.
Angie:Go back and listen, trust me go back to listen when it's in my one drive.
Chris:You're in bright episode, honey. I think you need to come up with a better way of saying that is what was played this week.
Angie:I will come up with a new way to say it, the new segment name, if you.
Chris:Just imagine, yes, why I know that cuz I listen to it.
Angie:I said yeah, absolutely, absolutely, i bet, I bet okay, fine, what did we play?
Chris:What did we play Angie?
Angie:We've played a lot of games.
Chris:We did it surprisingly. Yeah, we did play.
Angie:We're at the nursery, so we play games that we don't own. My castle party and boop, and then we play a game called Caesar, which we don't care for or I don't care for yeah, no, not impressed with it.
Chris:So like for those that, okay, so let's.
Angie:I don't know, even know who makes it.
Chris:So the nursery and you know, i went to the nursery. The nursery if you've listened to us for a while, the nursery is a really awesome board game cafe Located in Sturgeon Bay, wisconsin. If you are ever there, check it out It is. It's fabulous. It is part of the gnome games, i guess, store. It's a gnome game store family of stores. Yeah, good stuff. So, yeah, anyway, back to Caesar. Oh, so there's two games. Paolo more is the designer of that and I'm a big fan of libertalia and I'm thinking, okay, cool, cool. I don't know if Paolo more, i had something to do with. What is the other game like that? So see, there was Caesar and then there was like Blitzkrieg, blitzkrieg, you could do World War two in like 20 minutes Yeah, the phrase for that.
Chris:And then Caesar came out and it is you know, conquer Rome, basically, or seize Rome in 20 minutes.
Angie:Oh, is that like Blitzkrieg?
Chris:Yeah, oh yeah, i never bought it, Yeah, so.
Angie:I don't like airy control though, so there was. I wasn't really Going to like this because I don't like so it is. I don't like airy control, and that's what it is. It's airy control, mm-hmm, it wasn't When there's airy control. Sometimes airy control slipped into a game.
Chris:Mm-hmm I.
Angie:Can think that's when I dislike it the most. This I knew what it was air control going in and that's a Little bit like that badly. And when you thought I was not gonna like Dice-thrown Because I don't like that really head-to-head battling type of thing. But I knew going in that that is what dice-thrown was going to be. It wasn't a surprise, it wasn't a mechanic. That is what the game is. You may consider deck building. It is. That is what it is is a head-to-head battle. So going into it I knew what it was going to be. This I realized it was going to be airy control and And when I say slipping it into, there is a game I love very much, who I believe it is slipped in there. It is what it is what came is that.
Angie:And this winter.
Chris:Oh yeah, just let it go already.
Angie:I will. It's gone, it's gone, it's gone.
Chris:We know you don't like.
Angie:It's gone and only the reason why it's gone is because I did hear Stan Kronanski when he was doing that live play through with Ellen and Randy Kirby. Somebody had asked him in the chat if, if the mechanism works against the theme, which wins out, and he says mechanism always wins. So I thought that was a good answer.
Chris:Very good answer.
Angie:I thought that was a good answer because my issue with that area control is it didn't work with the theme. I'm saying Paleo Americans are not going to have people squat on their backyard. That was my issue. Obviously, he went with the mechanism of the area control rather than Paleo Americans not letting people squat on their back. Understandable, awesome. I appreciate it. I think highly of him.
Chris:Good Stan is pretty awesome. For those of you that want to hear more about Angie's love of that mechanism, you can check out our Endless Winter Review episode. So anyway, yes, so not impressed with Caesar, not impressed with Caesar. It's actually like Caesar. There's like a, there's like a subtitle to the game. There's many different games called Caesar. This is Caesar. Like Caesar Roman 20 minutes or something like that.
Angie:But we did get Shelfie. That is what we brought home. Usually we go there, we do come home with a lot more.
Chris:Yeah, we got my.
Angie:Shelfie. We got my Shelfie, yep. What did I say?
Angie:Oh, did I? Yeah, we got my Shelfie, which I've been looking at, been really, really wanting for a long time. We got that and got a chance to play it, and I'm really happy with it. There is a question about scoring and I did pose that question to somebody that had a picture on Instagram. Did you read that? No, about the scoring, and they believe as you do. Thank, you. That you score every group and not just your largest group. Thank, you. Her color. No, i'm going to say that is the way it's written.
Chris:And that's the way you score it.
Angie:In my mind it should be the largest contiguous group per color. But I'm going to say that Phil Walker-Harty knew better. If he wanted it that way, he would have wrote the rules that way.
Chris:That is true.
Angie:I will yield. Thank you, phil Walker-Harty, phil Walker-Harty All right.
Chris:So okay, Phil Phil.
Angie:If you're listening, if you're listening.
Chris:What's the proper way to score? Is Chris right or is Angie right? You score as written in the rule book. That's what I'm going to say. So, phil, reach out to us, man chasingmeplesatyahoocom, leave a comment on our YouTube channel. Whatever you got to do, just let us know Angie has not slept a minute. No, i'm just kidding.
Angie:I am asking random people on Instagram when they show pictures of it. Oh, by the way, when you score that, how do you score for each teal group, or just That game is.
Chris:It's fine. It's fine. I like the connect four-ish feel of dropping the tokens. I want to get a couple more plays in before I make my final judgment on the game. At this point it's fine.
Angie:I like it. I like the lighthearted break we had. I had been playing a lot of heavy year old type games, serious games, and so I like the little break, the little, you know the cutesy a little bit lighter Wait, fun theme maybe, if you want to call it that. So that's why I wanted to play it that day.
Chris:No, it's good. You know, it's always good to play a light game.
Angie:Yes, it is okay.
Chris:It is okay, yeah, so you did mention that we played boop.
Angie:Play boop.
Chris:Again, another game that I'm just going to say is fine. It wasn't anything amazing, it was another. I liked the. I guess I liked the booping mechanic. I thought that was really interesting. The booping mechanic.
Angie:I like the bed.
Chris:Won that one.
Angie:You did.
Chris:Yes, that's right, i did. Oh my gosh.
Angie:I can't believe you set me up for that All because I would have taught that game better.
Announcer Dude:Oh my gosh.
Angie:You are so envious I can see it in your face.
Chris:I am.
Chris:No, it is it was interesting, not a game I would buy. No Good game to play.
Angie:Yeah, That's the nice thing about a game library. And you know, here's the interesting thing. There were the ladies sitting at the other table and they kept asking the guy I don't know what game they were playing. They were playing. It was like I'm not sure It was plastic, and they kept talking Oh, they want that game. Oh yeah.
Angie:Two of those games are asking the fella if they could find out if they could buy it. And he came back. I don't know if you heard him tell them The game's out of print. Well, it's not. it wasn't a game they had that they sold. They gave it to them for the library, and that made me think.
Chris:I already told you we should do that.
Angie:No, but I never thought if they would. You know, i'm assuming the game library gets a lot of things that they put maybe Dutton Dings in there. They get games from publishers Do they need it. You know their shelves are pretty full the way they are, you know.
Chris:Call me crazy.
Chris:Yeah, but if I had a board game cafe like this is not a knock on their lending library at all or they're staying in play library. I do feel like if you have it in your stay in play library, you got to have it on the shelf, you got to have it to buy Yeah.
Angie:You know that surprised me. That surprised me. You know they. It's there to entertain the people while they're eating. You know, most lending libraries don't have a store. The nursery is really different. Yeah, that it is. Stay in play. You are at a board game cafe with a store. A lot of board game cafes are. They charge you $20 an hour to sit at the table and some guy is going to make you a rotisserie hot dog or an oven pizza. You know, maybe he could throw a panini on the grill. I'm not sure. But you don't really expect quite that much and you certainly don't expect a store. I don't think I've ever seen a board camp. You know what? Meepleville. I think the very few times you've seen a board game cafe, but they are very much. Not sure he's very much cafe. Yeah, some, like meepleville seems to be a lot of board game library with some cafe and then a small store. Nursery is big cafe, small library, nice size store.
Chris:You know, i don't yeah, i don't know and we've never been, you know, we've never been to meet Boville. We might be wrong, we just know what we've seen on YouTube and but I watched it because I watched him give a tour of it.
Angie:Yeah, and maybe he's got a bigger cat bite. Maybe, but there's just like sit down restaurant. People are gonna come in just to eat sure, sure Yeah. Breakfast. They got it right.
Chris:There is a formula that the notary has got, and they've got it mastered. Now, if we could just get the notary to open up a store where we live, that would be amazing. I'll have you, if you are listening. Give us a call. Well, we'll figure out a place for you. Yeah, okay, castle panic is that? no, it wasn't castle panic.
Angie:No, castle party, castle party.
Chris:Another game that I just thought was fine.
Angie:It was a little flippin right something right.
Chris:It was a flippin right. most flippin rights kind of have that same, i Don't know. Flip a card, make a shape. Thought it was neat that each person got to add Yeah, you know the type of monster that goes into the shape, but for the most part Not. Uh, not another game that are by.
Angie:I love Super mega lucky box and that's a pretty simple flippin right. Can't get any simpler than that.
Chris:Yeah, again, phil, no harding something about that guy, all right. And then, speaking of heavy weight euros, what game did you get a chance to check out? Was it Sunday night, on Mother's Day? You got to play a game on Mother's Day that you've been looking for do legacy of you. Say it again without rubbing paper.
Angie:I got to play the legacy of you.
Chris:Like a save me legacy of you.
Angie:Why you my Garfield games? Oh got it. Yes, shem Phillips Hitted eye the park. This is so good, chris really it is good, it is easy in my top solo game.
Chris:No kidding.
Angie:It is so good. There's so many reasons why I like a. They started you straight into the campaign. They net to not dumb it down, say here's a starter game. No sir, do you straight into the campaign. It is like It is not like a rolling right solo game. It is up, it feels like a Garfield board game And it's Gonna be easy. It's resettable. I don't have to do anything fancy to keep everything in order. But it's got this awesome Insert in the box where everything sits. You know each category sits that I need. It's a matter of putting things out. Putting the cards, taking the cards are the right slot technically. That insert. I can keep all the tokens there. I never have to move over.
Announcer Dude:It's got a really good story.
Angie:There's a lot to do. You have to read it out. To do, you have to really keep a balance. It's not one of those zero type games that you can do just one thing or there's so much to do, but you You have to concentrate on something. You have to do everything. You have to watch the flood, you have to make sure your barbarians don't take you over and you have to manage How many town folk you have in that deck. So it's really you have to really keep that balance. You have to go after those barbarians because they will overrun you very, very quickly. I Can see it happening, but I was very good at that. But the cards obviously, as you go through the story, things get more difficult and it shuffles more cards through and stuff like that. But it feels It just feels like a board game. That doesn't make sense. Sometimes Solo games and the maybe it's because I solo a lot of rolling rights, but I feel like I'm getting a full Garfield game.
Angie:Well, that's cool you know the full experience.
Chris:I'm assuming maybe you're. This is me not seeing you play it or seeing you play. Do you mean by the fact that you don't have to manage an AI player?
Angie:Yes, yes, and that might be the legacy version of it that I don't have to And that, yes, that's a big thing too, because you don't have to. You are playing against the barbarians. I'm not playing against some Invisible opponent, and even when you do have an AI, it's like mimicking another chief. But this is like this direct Combat with the game. You're battling the game, which is very, very interesting. A lot of times, a solo thing is it's against. You have to me a score. This is essentially you're winning or you're losing. You're winning or you're losing, and You can win or lose seven times.
Angie:There's a deck that you add a card in for a victory card, or you add in a loser card somewhere that's going to be shuffled into, it's gonna shuffle through, be a pile, and that's even when you think Maybe you're gonna get a benefit, like when you've overcome part of the flood, you thinking, okay, i did something really great, but you still get penalized for it. So it's Not that it's unforgiving, but it doesn't, it doesn't let up. That makes sense, it's good. I really really like it. Easy, easy, easily, easily. My favorite solo game.
Chris:Very cool.
Angie:It's really, it is really great.
Angie:Glad you got a chance to play it and I realized Sometimes why I have issues with rule books is I'll be reading this rule and I'll read the rule and I read the rule. I'm going what do they mean by that? and Then I don't read the next line, which it explains what it means by that. Sometimes I get too caught up in reading this one line and make you sure I understand the rule without reading That. It is explained, and I find that in some of the Garfield games they will explain it. But I'm looking at this, going what do you mean? I don't know what this is. I don't know what this is and I need to read further in the rule block or even further further down the page. There's some other game. I did that too. I Don't remember what it is. It's like I read the rules Too finely mm-hmm.
Angie:I think resurgence was probably. It's probably resurgence, so it's being too thorough that it was tripping me up. Okay, i Know you have no idea what I mean.
Chris:No, I have absolutely no idea what you're ranting or like. Like what tangent you went off on like you lost me after easily my number one solo game.
Announcer Dude:It's Time for the chasing meeple's quiz. Will Chris make the meeple chasers proud by scoring max points, or will he be serving up a fine vintage of wines? Angie has got the controls on Chris's dopamine drip, folks. If he doesn't score high on this quiz, she might just cut him off. Will Chris get his victory high, or will it be a dopamine drought?
Angie:was time.
Chris:Alright, angie. What is the theme of this quiz? is it feeding?
Angie:well, no, what it is not, but things do tie in all right things do tie in and um I It's all gonna tie in this whole show It's gonna tie in wait, i can't wait, it's gonna tie in and it is awesome. Good, it is awesome, but right now I'm gonna give you There's gonna be six games and I'm gonna tell you what we're gonna do, chris.
Chris:All right.
Angie:I'm gonna list the components And I'm gonna set a 30 second timer. Oh, you have 30 seconds to tell me what the game is.
Chris:All right.
Angie:All right, and there is one bonus question. So what I say? this is gonna be worth 15 points, because each game is two points plus the bonus question is three points, so 15 points. All right and I was gonna go with five points each, but I really think you're gonna get these. So Pressures on. Okay, i won't start with that one, because that one's kind of not that I want to throw you a softball or anything.
Angie:Yeah, I wouldn't. I don't want to do that. You gotta give me a good one to start off.
Chris:Okay, get that dopamine going. You know how quickly I become.
Angie:Ready? Yes, one game board for reference cards for double-sided property boards, 12 double-sided expansion boards, one carousel.
Chris:And penny perk.
Angie:Okay, there you go, you got that. so that is two points. All right, let's go on to the next one 10 meatballs, 27 loyalty cards by player boards, an album crate, 27 core collection reward token vinyl vinyl. Yes, it is.
Chris:I'm doing good. Oh, you are doing good, i got this one.
Angie:Let's see which one's the next. This is a no way a trick question. 18 cards with blocks and scoring conditions. It's the way it's written yeah, it's. Hard what penny tones. This is the component 18 cards with blocks and scoring conditions. Tinder, tinder no block no 18 car.
Chris:Oh Wait, this won't count, but is it sprawlopolis?
Angie:It's agropolis, agropolis. I thought the 18 cards for sure, yeah and then I started to yeah, okay whatever to overthink it Okay.
Chris:I got so overconfident 15 traveler cards.
Angie:I got five homeboards. We have one game board. 72 comfort cards, 16 Valley Got that one.
Chris:Two more.
Angie:Two more. Okay, Are you ready?
Chris:Oh, I am so ready, you know what time it is way past my bedtime.
Angie:Six player tokens, six reputation markers, one town match, eight player aids, 36 enchantment cards, seven companion cards. Okay, you got it? how many seconds left?
Chris:Yeah, you're fiddling with your TV screen or your phone screen there.
Angie:Fiddling All right. Last one 28 dungeon cards, eight hero mats, 26 loot cards, 14 spell cards, six goblins or goblin tokens, eight minions, six boss mats, one boss token, eight hero cards, eight hero miniatures, 12 health and focus markers, six disarmers. Who you stink?
Chris:Oh god, i don't know. Oh My god, what was that? What was?
Angie:that tiny epic pirates Oh.
Chris:Oh, darn it, darn it, darn it, darn it.
Angie:Oh, no, is that?
Chris:tiny big dungeons tiny up at the wire there, dungeons, dungeons pirates, okay.
Angie:Dungeons, okay. So you missed two of them, but can you tell me what they all have in common? Ten penny parks, agropolis, creature comforts, playing craft, vinyl and tiny epic dungeons. Look at Chris's face, oh.
Chris:What There's a connection.
Angie:There's a connection. They're all Kickstarter's Oh.
Chris:Oh, all right.
Angie:Everything's working in. See how it's all working in.
Chris:Never would have gotten that Working in My mind is going in different ways It's working in See Raccoon restaurant. Kickstarter.
Angie:Yeah, i got it. I got it going. Now you understand why. Our top five list of feeding games Yeah, no, I don't. Restaurant feed food.
Chris:Seriously, I did not get it Music.
Announcer Dude:Music, music. Now that Angie has tied it all together, it's time to simmer in the delightful aroma of our top five board games, with a mouth watering mix of food and feeding Dead ready, because this is not just any list, it's an epic banquet of gaming goodness that will be a feast for your ears. Put on your stretchy pants, because we're serving up an all you can eat buffet of games.
Chris:Music, music, music, music Music.
Chris:Music, music. Music 40 minutes And so not having the time to truly think about it, she says to me, come up with top five games that involve feeding or food, and you can be loose. You lose, you don't have to be loose, i'm like, all right, well, i'm going to get creative. So, angie, what did you do to make your top five?
Angie:And after you, give you give up, i was very loose, you're very loose. I was very loose. I didn't want to do games that we've talked about too much before, so I was loose. I was loose. So I mean the word top five may be kind of loose, but All right Well there was one I didn't actually write down, but yeah.
Chris:Well, I was not very loose at all. I was strict, and what I did was I went on.
Angie:I was, i was busy, busy.
Chris:OK, so this is not my top five And this is going to be so cheesy.
Angie:But I don't care.
Chris:Meeple or something typed in food in the advanced search on BGG And this is the top five according to BGG.
Angie:Oh, you cheated.
Chris:Food games. So who do you want to start?
Angie:You can start.
Chris:Number five. All right, i'm going to say you're now, i played zero, but there is one game that sounds really cool And that game, and the game that sounds really cool, is ranked 4,215 on the BGG rankings. And there I go Get the BGG. Oh man, lauren, completely ruined my list.
Chris:Is Absolutely, you're all All right is Consumption, food and choices. Now, a name like that doesn't sound like it'd be a good game, however, let me let me tell you this. So this game is a game where you blend. It blends worker placement and resource management, and the theme of it It was. The game was actually designed by a Dietitian, i think, and it's it. It revolves around the theme of food and lifestyle. So in this game, you navigate the intricate world of food choices and you balance your dietary needs, physical activities and personal preferences over six rounds.
Chris:You you, basically you play the role of a character that has a certain dietary preference, And then you that that dietary preference guides your strategy throughout the game. You shop for ingredients, you dine out, you complete your recipes and you engage in various activities.
Announcer Dude:just like in real life, angie.
Chris:And the game beautifully simulates the juggle between eating, exercising and living a balanced life. Now, at the end, you get rated on how long you live. No, no, on whether or not you've basically stuck to your diet of you know whatever, and you gain and lose points based on how well you adhere to that preference. Now that game actually sounds kind of neat And looking at it you could think about it. Think about this.
Angie:Sounds like something Ben Green, wow, wow.
Chris:Ben Greenfield. Come on, ben Greenblatt, he is a gamer, i don't want you to. I was listening to one of his podcasts. He was talking about how he was playing Fort He was shut up.
Angie:Shut up, no way. Yes, he is a gamer.
Chris:He enjoys board games with his family. So cut the guy some slack.
Angie:There's some slack now he gets it. Now I cut him some slack.
Chris:All right, so anyway, um, i think about it, though I would. I'm seriously considering trying to find this game. You could, you could make this fun. You could, you could make recipes in the game and see how they work in real life. You could literally Do that with this game, the way it's described.
Angie:I don't think it's that. I would do that. I mean, i'd have fun playing the vegan if somebody else is, yeah, paleo person or something. And they had to figure out how to eat with just eating, yeah. Yeah, nothing, but you know, okay, kale.
Chris:Right, you can live off.
Angie:But there you go.
Chris:That is. That is the number five food game according to board game geek.
Angie:Yeah, mine is the Yawning Portal, well, that's good. Yawning Portal has to do with. It is in the D&D universe and you are adventurers and you are coming off a long trek and you're hungry, unless you are. Maybe you're scared to go on your long adventure and you want to get drunk first, but it is the bar, the pub, the restaurant that all the adventures are known to go in the D&D universe, is it Hasbro?
Chris:No, it's Avalon Hill. Avalon Hill owned by Hasbro.
Angie:Owned by Hasbro? Yes, and it was a Kickstarter.
Chris:No, it was not.
Angie:Okay, it was crowdfunded.
Chris:It was Hasbro Pulse.
Angie:It was still crowdfunded? Yes, it was crowdfunded. Okay, here.
Chris:So that was your number five, that's my number five, the Yawning Portal. Number four. All right, My number four actually not my number four board game geeks. Number four is Kings Breakfast, So King's breakfast.
Angie:How does this come up as their top five food games? One of the games is in the four thousandth.
Angie:You think it'd be like food chain magnet, or just keep on listening, babe.
Chris:All right. This game is ranked four thousand one hundred and fifty on the board game geek rankings. And it's King's breakfast. So King's breakfast is a light and fun card game designed by Alan Moon and Aaron Weissblum, published in two thousand three. The game is centered around the theme of food, specifically a King's grand breakfast. So in the game you act as king servants trying to bring the king the best breakfast from the available dishes. The aim is to get as many food cards as possible without being too greedy and attracting the king's attention. You, if you collect too much one type of food, too much of one type of food, and the king's going to notice. And if the king notices Angie, you lose some cards.
Chris:Oh you play several rounds and each round, players have to choose whether to add more food to their collection or to pass. Passing can be strategic, as it allows you to potentially avoid the king's attention and hold on to your food cards. If you get the most food cards by the end of the game without getting too much attention from the king, you win. And that is the board game. Geek Number three, No number four.
Angie:My number four is Endless Winter Paleo Miracle. I stan Krodansky with Fantasia Games.
Chris:OK, all right, that's it.
Angie:We've talked about the game. Oh yeah, OK, I don't know if I need to go over it, all right, but I could tell you how it fits into the feeding. How do you know how it fits?
Chris:into the feeding. You get animal cards and you can either keep them as pets or you can eat them.
Angie:Yep, you can slaughter hunt the woolly mammoth and max out your food.
Chris:Number three, my number. I keep doing it, i keep doing it. The board game geek Number three, food game, is Foodie Forest, ranked 4,137. And Foodie Forest. I didn't take any notes on that one, so just get my word for it Foodie Forest is number three. I totally thought I had notes on that one.
Angie:My number three is Three Sisters. It is a roll and write game where three sisters are companion gardening. So they are gardening squash, beans and corn. So there we get the food, because you garden to get food to eat. And it's a fun roll and write game. I've been soloing it a lot. So, I hate Farmer Ruth. She's a mean son of a gun.
Chris:I know you explain her so bad, she's nasty. I thought it was Ethel, though.
Angie:Maybe it is Ethel. Did I call her Ruth? Maybe it is Ethel. It's Ethel.
Chris:Number two All right, the board game I got to get right this time. The board game geek number two, food game is ranked 1,473 in all time rankings. We're talking like out of all the games. What is it?
Angie:OK that's the highest.
Chris:It's number two. OK there is one that is higher than this.
Chris:And that game is Food Chain Island. Oh, not, not the one you were thinking of, it's Food Chain Island. So Food Chain Island, it's a solo game and it's published by Button Shy and designed by Scott Alms. The game is based on a food chain sequence where players manipulate a three by three grid of animal cards. In this game, each animal card represents a different tier of the food chain. Your goal is to manipulate the cards so that animals eat each other in order to create a single dominant predator. Yep, the catch is that animals can only eat specific other animals and only in a certain order.
Announcer Dude:Following the rules of the food chain.
Chris:Blah, blah, blah, blah. No Food Chain Island is a compact and quick game. A solo gameplay makes a good choice for when you're looking for a gaming experience, Angie.
Angie:There you go.
Chris:You can enjoy on your own. Despite its small size and quick play time, it is ranked 1,473 on the BGG rankings because it's a challenging puzzle that can keep you engaged.
Angie:So where does that fall with all the Button Shy games? You didn't do that.
Chris:I didn't do that Sorry.
Angie:I like the Button Shy games, so Fine with me Yeah they're good. My number two is Great Western Trail.
Chris:Ooh, because you're selling cattle And there's your meat.
Angie:I thought for sure you were going to be like, how is that a food game? And the whole thing, because the slaughter in the cattle was going to be my food and you would question it and it was going to be funny. And the whole time here you're sitting here, not even your top five list, your top five off BGG, which is that, just like the top five searches that pulled up.
Chris:Okay, i told you, i went to the advanced search and I typed in food and I sorted all the games that showed up by overall rank. Yeah, yeah, and Angie. Yes, chris.
Angie:I am part of the board game geek community.
Chris:So in a roundabout way. It is my list, This is my community. We are one. These all have food in the title.
Angie:Oh, they're both food, but some of them do.
Chris:What about the Team's? breakfast is the only one that didn't. Okay, but breakfast is a type of meal. Yes, i understand that. What is their?
Angie:number one. What is your community's number one?
Chris:You're part of the community too, sweetheart.
Angie:I'm a pain member of the computer community, so am I, i am.
Chris:Do you know why?
Angie:Oh, did you join to get the geek old?
Chris:I did. I enjoyed it. I joined it to get some geek gold and next year I Gonna give away some of that geek gold, for most. Gonna give away some of that geek gold so we can be nominated and win the Golden Geek Award, because that is a goal of mine Number one, angie, do you remember in that Christmas movie?
Angie:Which Christmas movie.
Chris:The National Ampouin's Christmas Vacation.
Angie:I do.
Chris:When Clark is gonna start the lights up.
Angie:Oh yeah.
Chris:And they all do drum rolls.
Angie:Oh, yeah, yeah, All right, drum roll please.
Chris:I'm serious, we're gonna do this again, okay.
Angie:All right.
Chris:The number one game on board game, geek, is rated 30. It is rated 37 overall.
Chris:And that is food chain magnet.
Angie:Oh, okay.
Chris:So this, i hear, is a very, very heavy game. That. Yeah, but I hear it's not a good game I hear it doesn't look pretty at all. You play the role of a CEO of a fast food chain where your goal is to outcomplete other. Outcomplete other players in a dynamic market by managing resources, setting your prices and investing in advertising to increase the demand for your products.
Angie:I don't know, i don't hear good things about that game.
Chris:It's torn.
Angie:Some people love it.
Chris:Some people are just like no, it's like No freaking way, yep So, but it must be some sort of good, because it is ranked 37. Come on G's number one.
Chris:Yeah, because beer.
Angie:Yeah, you farm, you have hops. So my number one is Hollertow. Did you know? Hollertow, germany setting 1850, is the largest continuous hop producing region in the world. It prides itself upon being the first middle Europe to cultivate hops.
Chris:Did you know? No, and now I do, though.
Angie:Now you do The more you know. The more you know.
Chris:And knowing is half the battle.
Angie:It is Yeah.
Chris:And then knowing is half the battle, is what cartoon? Come on, tell me, tell me.
Angie:Isn't that an AA thing, oh God.
Announcer Dude:God.
Chris:No, it's GI Joe Yeah.
Angie:Do you know why? I don't know that Because the GI Joe deck building game politics made me sleep.
Chris:No, the rule book does Okay the rule book And just for everybody's reference, the what is it? The Jeep always goes back to the hangar.
Angie:No, it can only fit six people. Transport The transport vehicle always goes back to the hangar and it can only fit six people.
Chris:And then Angie falls asleep.
Angie:And then I fall asleep. All right, I don't get. I don't get further than that.
Chris:All right, angie.
Angie:Once again, I was trying to read a rule book.
Chris:All right, Angie, it is time to wrap this up. I got to get to bed. I got to wake up early in the morning. It is late and I am having a hard time even concentrating.
Angie:What are we going to do? What are we going to talk about next time? I?
Chris:want to talk about resurgence. I'm going to give a little cliffhanger to everybody out there. Does Chris like this game? Does Angie like this game?
Angie:Angie talked. Chris this game.
Chris:Because she read a rule book. Way to go.
Angie:Oh, i sound like you're dissing people that read the rule books.
Chris:Oh no, no, no, I'm just kidding. Angie taught me the game. She played it solo And then taught me the game. Look, you're falling asleep. They're yawning all over the place, all right, so resurgence. Could it be the first 10 Chris has ever given a game?
Angie:You've given 10s before. Yes, you have.
Announcer Dude:Shhhhhh, shhhhhh, it's a cliffhanger.
Chris:Okay, and if I did give a 10, changing my reviews on BGG and they were my ratings on BGG in case this one deserves to be a 10. Tell me what game did I rate a 10?
Angie:I think you had like ARC NOVA 10, didn't you?
Chris:I think you had a couple 10s There's only one possible other game that could be considered a 10.
Angie:What's that? The first 10. I could go on BGG and check yours out, because we're a community and I can see what you rate things.
Chris:All right, everybody, i've probably edited all of this out And none of this conversation ever happened.
Chris:Keep chasing those meebles.
Angie:Yeah, I see it all. It all went all around. And they have another interesting thing. Oh, since we were talking about raccoon restaurants, I was actually going to say this later Do you know what the tie-in of raccoon restaurants in the season was?
Chris:There's a tie-in.
Angie:There's not a tie-in, but there was an homage or a.
Chris:There was an homage.
Angie:I'm going to say homage.
Chris:There's an homage to the season in raccoon restaurants.
Angie:Well, there's something in raccoon restaurants that tied back to the season.
Chris:One of the customer cards? Yes, yeah, which one?
Angie:Kira Knight and Gale. Ah Kira Knightley was in Pride and Prejudice. Well, what the f? I hope you cut that out.
Angie:Oh well, look at that. Oh, look at that. Oh well, look at that.