Chasing Meeples
A lighthearted take on board games with a sprinkling of hilarity - when you listen to Chris and Angie on Chasing Meeples, expect witty banter, game discussions, quizzes, and game night stories. Perfect for gamers of all levels looking for a faith-friendly gaming conversation.
Chasing Meeples
Unplugged, Unedited and Uncensored at PhoenixCon 2023
Join Chris and Angie, in this live, unedited, and unrepeatable discussion during our visit to PhoenixCon in Appleton, Wisconsin. We dove headfirst into the Vender hall...big shock, right? Chris puts Angie under the spotlight for an impromptu quiz, testing his knowledge in real-time. Can Chris ace it? Will Angie stump him? You've got to listen to find out!
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It's time for another episode of the wildly popular podcast Chasing Meeples. On today's show, we're joining you live from PhoenixCon 2 in Appleton, wisconsin. Chris and Angie discussed some of the games they managed to snatch from the vendor hall, and more, and brace yourselves. Angie has been put on the spot to create a spontaneous quiz. Will Chris bomb it? No pressure, right. So without further ado, let's cut to the chase and get this banter started now.
Speaker 2:Alright we are recording. Alright, I'm going to kick us off. We got, we're going to fly through this. One cut One. Absolutely no editing when I get home whatsoever.
Speaker 3:So whatever we say here, it's going on air.
Speaker 2:Whatever we say is going on air.
Speaker 3:There's no, yeah, there's no editing. Alright, no editing.
Speaker 2:I got to get all the bad words off then. Okay, alright, alright, ready. Hello, here we go. Yes, hello everybody. This is Chris from the Chasing Meeples podcast, and we are see I already screwed this up.
Speaker 3:We are in Appleton, wisconsin, with, but who's this person?
Speaker 2:Okay, hold on a second, let's start.
Speaker 3:I had to pick up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well right. I did.
Speaker 3:This is all going in the podcast. Don't you love it?
Speaker 2:No, you could have just rolled, edited, you could have just roll. I'm ready. Now we're going to start over for real this time. That was the warm up. Hello everybody, this is Chris from the Chasing Meeples podcast and I am with my lovely co host.
Speaker 3:Hello, hello, it's Angie.
Speaker 2:And we are recording live from the Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton, wisconsin, and we are live at PhoenixCon. It is the second annual, first second. How do you say that? Second ever?
Speaker 3:Second Second ever. He did have one previous week, but it wasn't here.
Speaker 2:Okay, there was a PhoenixCon last year. We are at PhoenixCon this year. We were there last year too and we are, like I said, we're recording our podcast on location. Something new Bought a couple of new toys. Hopefully it doesn't suck too much when I get home.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, here's the thing. A week ago, two weeks ago, we were selling our games at Heroes Veg, located to Rivers, and guess what? We bought more games than we sold that night.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we did, we totally bought more games.
Speaker 3:but they were half price.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they were, but anyway. So, yeah, we came home with a good haul. We'll have to do like a haul video or something to our break and see the games that we picked up. Yeah, yeah, that would be cool stuff, very cool. These headphones in my ears are messing with me here, angie, but we're live and we're going to go.
Speaker 3:We're going to go with it.
Speaker 2:All right, so.
Speaker 3:Don't know what it's going to sound like.
Speaker 2:All right, don't know, yeah, whatever, so, okay. So what are you going to talk about?
Speaker 3:We should plan this. We should have planned this, we should have planned this but I'm so busy, so busy coming and everything like that. So, coming here, I had to get prepared. I had to get the game big prepared. We had to make sure I had to make sure you got all the podcasts equipment in the bag.
Speaker 2:If we're going to do this without editing. Huh, what you got to do is finish sentences. You can't just stop a sentence the way you did. I'm not even going to repeat that. So those that were listening, rewind it. Play it back, because I'm not repeating that.
Speaker 3:So anyway, it wasn't that bad.
Speaker 2:See, now you're making me want to repeat that. Anyway, okay, moving on, all right. So what did we do today?
Speaker 3:What did we do today? What?
Speaker 2:did we do today? All right, so we got here and we checked out the vendor hall. You know, that's kind of what we do every time. Hey, when we go to any con, first place we always got hit is the vendor hall. It's just the good consumer in us, right? It's a small vendor hall.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, not so much. You're not going to see the game companies and stuff like that. Here you are seeing, primarily, there are a couple local game stores that are here selling their games at a discount. A lot of artisan things, people that make things three, printing the last, etching the leather, all sorts of things, people, authors, people that have created their own art pages, so things like that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if we have some time maybe we'll walk through, go live and show everybody what they have in the vendor hall. For those of you that are in the Appleton Wisconsin area, if you haven't had a chance to get here, you should check out.
Speaker 3:It's open tomorrow too.
Speaker 2:So we got here, we did that, and then time flew right away, so we went and had some lunch.
Speaker 3:We had some lunch.
Speaker 2:And after lunch we sat down and played first. Yes, and I love that game. It's a good game At first when I'm okay.
Speaker 3:You're okay with it, I liked it better than my first play of it, and I did. We played the starter game the first time and I was pretty disappointed with it and I had mentioned it to Brandon from All aboard Gamer that I was not happy with it. So this time we drove right in the starter game. You just take away some element cards environment card, which I don't know why you take that away.
Speaker 2:I know it's not that difficult at all.
Speaker 3:Right it gives you an end game goal. So starter games. I have an issue sometimes with starter games, but we did the complete game. It was a good game. It was longer than it was supposed to be. We tend to do that when it's just the two of us. Well, when it's the two of us that really not worried about another table full of people having AP.
Speaker 3:Right, when we play wingspan, I will try to just roll it around, okay, okay, I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you the truth. I lengthened the game. I did not lay all my games With Earth. You're building a tableau, four by four grid, and once somebody completes the grid, that is end game. I did roll long and I put an end to the game a couple turns, but you know what do you try doing with the end of the game? You're going for those points, you're trying to get those points and so, min max, I'm going to get as many points as I can.
Speaker 2:Are you saying that you could have beat these? Oh my gosh.
Speaker 3:I didn't add the end game points. I did not end up. Oh, whoever finishes the game gets an extra seven points. Oh my gosh, that's right. I had 219. I think it's seven, I don't know if it's seven or 11 points. Oh, I did, there is, there's. There's points at the end of the game for whoever finishes.
Speaker 2:It'd go. You beat me even more.
Speaker 3:Well, I love this game, it's okay. It's okay. It needs a reference sheet, a turn order sheet. Yeah, those are just those little things that people, when you're creating a board game, you're doing kick starters, you have to remember, especially if you have a decent size game, you're doing a Euro game, something like that, you need a turn order sheet, reference sheet. They did have on the game boards of the slower. On the game boards they did have a reference area where I told you what the icons were, which is great. But turn order I mean just what you do in your turns, even though you don't always need it, it's nice to have, it's nice to have. I'm just gonna say that's nice to have. And you know what? It doesn't hurt anything because, like little sheets of paper, it won't hurt anything.
Speaker 3:They have like 12,000 cards. All they had to do was like take a couple of those cards and just write the turn order or a reference, some sort of reference on it.
Speaker 2:Although the iconography, once you kind of understand what it, what it means, it's not true.
Speaker 3:It is nice and it's printed on the board, but I'm a reference sheet type of person.
Speaker 2:You are, you're a player, aid person.
Speaker 3:A player aid. That's the word Player aid. Player aids yes.
Speaker 2:So I'm just gonna rub my eye here for a second, because it's not images.
Speaker 1:Sorry.
Speaker 2:You scared the crap out of me when you're like Ah, but that's okay.
Speaker 3:That's what you get with us. I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but yeah. So I was really cold to that game when we first got it. Like Andrew said, we played the beginning mode and I was ready to get rid of it Like after one play. I was like I don't understand the hype.
Speaker 3:That's it. It had a lot of the hype, and that's we. Fall prey not to the hype but to anti-hype, Like with wingspan. When wingspan came out, everybody loved it. We were kind of like it took us a while to try wingspan. It did, because the more it's hype kind of.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we try to stay away from the hype. The fact that we have, you know, but see, that's.
Speaker 3:it's weird, because your Kickstarter hype though.
Speaker 2:So that's just it, right. But it's weird Like we stay away from games that are like super hyped, right. But we're totally called to the new.
Speaker 3:FOMO and I found games here on the, because some of them are Dinger Dent, some are just markdowns, but I had been looking for a glass row by Uwe Rosenberg and I found it and I passed it up. It was here, I'm getting it. But we just found Blue Moon City. Haven't seen that anywhere, but it's like grab it.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:You know, grab it.
Speaker 2:Dinger Dent, like K of the Box, has got a little bit of a ding, not much, no, wait. No, that one wasn't even a Dinger Dent, that was just a con special basically 50% off.
Speaker 3:Yeah, too many of them, whatever, which is neat because at Stockpile Games last year they were here. Everything was MSRP. As a smart retailer, they realized Camira was right over there. Let's take our overflows and bring them here, that's pretty good.
Speaker 2:So, those of you that are listening and those of you that are watching live, question for you. I don't even know how this thing works, if I can see their answers or not, but that's fine, Okay. So, Dinger Dent, there was a copy of Freshwater Fly and I'm intrigued by that game. I'm not much of a fisherman myself been out there but the game looks pretty neat, right, I digress, Anyway. So this one was. It was.
Speaker 3:Touched on the inside.
Speaker 2:More than dinged and dented. We're talking hole in the box like I can touch everything.
Speaker 2:I can touch everything on the inside. So everything on their shelf was marked at 50% off. Okay, totally get it. Big sign, ding and dent 50% off the label. But we're talking a mangled box again and I can, like, touch everything on the inside. So I walk up to the counter with like three other games and I say, all right question for you, look at this, look at this big gaping hole you have in your box, I guess if you can have it marked down even more, just like 10 bucks.
Speaker 2:Any more than 50% off that you can give me on this, and like they were like nope, sorry, Wasn't she?
Speaker 3:the only store she didn't own store. Do you know what I mean?
Speaker 2:I think what it is is. It's because it's a retail store. So, anyway, those of you that are watching, what do you think? Should I have gotten a deeper discount or was I just that guy who shouldn't have asked for it? So I've been to other cons and I've been able to wheel and deal with the people when I'm buying, like video games and things like that. Like, hey, how about? You know, I'll give you all this for 50 bucks. You know, give me all this for 50 bucks and it's like, you know, five bucks less or 10 bucks less than what they were asking for. What do you guys think?
Speaker 3:It's, it's not, it doesn't hurt to ask. You know it doesn't hurt to ask, but she did not own the place. So unless you're kind of given permission, because where I work we kind of know that if somebody is on the edge there we can give them a discount up to a certain amount. So that was that's because our owner told us that and Big hole in the box.
Speaker 2:What, there was a big hole in the box.
Speaker 3:I'm looking at you through the big but she wasn't the owner and she may not have gotten permission to do that.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 3:You know she's a worker bee. She's a worker bee and she's part time. Well, she does this work at CAD.
Speaker 2:So yeah, well.
Speaker 3:I mean yeah. I don't know, we didn't need another game, so it's okay. It's okay. You should have bought cold country, though.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I posed with a picture of cold country.
Speaker 3:If anybody's ever watches the dice tower, they did kind of a tongue in cheek the ugliest board game covers last year and everybody watching. It was like a live stream. Everybody watching was voted on it and the game that won no, it was close.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it wasn't cold country it was.
Speaker 3:oh you know what If we were seeing that one. It was another bizarre game. I can't think of how ugly it was. The cold country was up there, cold country's up there. It was like the second maybe.
Speaker 2:It's an awesome cover. It is an awesome cover. I'm glad I am now immortalized with the box in my hand. So all right, we're 13 minutes in Ange and we've got-.
Speaker 3:Was that our banter?
Speaker 2:We've got a game of wingspan coming up in about 20 minutes or so. We should probably wrap her up a little bit. Make sure we get there. I don't know exactly where we're sitting to play. It's 416. 416? 416. Yeah, it's 416.
Speaker 3:It's 416. It's not bad. How long does it take you to get that stuff all wrapped up? I was going to talk to. Scott Green with Game of Games but he is off playing a game right now, so we can have him in as an interview.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry, I was talking over you. What were you saying?
Speaker 3:I was saying we were gonna bring in the Angry GM, but he's busy right now.
Speaker 2:The Angry GM. Yes, the Angry GM. Yes, he is busy right now. He is actually playing his own game of wingspan right now, Mm-hmm. So we did bring a bunch of games to the con that we didn't get a chance to play, so it happened, lash.
Speaker 3:Okay, I am here with this giant game table bag and we've already had emptied out once. Okay, just part of it, but I did bring along Earth. I brought along plate catacombs, we brought along Trekkie through history.
Speaker 2:We brought along Fistful of Meeples.
Speaker 3:Fistful of Meeples, and and here we are Think of Blacks. See, I thought this would be a cool one, just to kind of pull out and you know it's an eye-catching little dexterity game. You know, maybe you get people that say I wanna play. We did have somebody come up to us and ask us about Earth and we asked if they wanna join us. I'm sorry I am shaking that in front of the microphone on our day. I am sorry. He asked how long the game was. He only had an hour.
Speaker 2:Yeah, a game of Earth that normally doesn't take three hours did take us three hours, but that's just because we were enjoying the atmosphere. It's like 90 minute game In here.
Speaker 3:You know, everybody knows that that's not accurate, but we took our time. Yeah, you know, looked at the rules, kind of had a replay of the rules. We had some people stop by, we're chit-chatting a little bit, kind of laughing at stuff, and so yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:So we brought more games. Wanted to play them, but I'm cool with just playing one game and being here.
Speaker 3:You know, checking it out, that happened to us last year. That did.
Speaker 2:Last year we played Arc Nova.
Speaker 3:We played Arc Nova here. Yeah, that's the first thing we did. That's the first thing we did.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because, like we said earlier, we don't play into the hype or anything. I mean, arc Nova wasn't the newest, hottest thing and Okay, I, but I don't remember the hype around it.
Speaker 3:I remember that Tom Vassal rated like his top game of the year before it was ever released, before it was ever released in the United States. He had it because he played it somewhere. He had it at his number one before anybody else even touched it. So that may have swayed my opinion a little bit, you know.
Speaker 2:Sure.
Speaker 3:I mean I don't play everything that Tom Vassal plays. I don't agree with him for everything, but the fact that he pushed off some of his really Mahab. He's had it number one forever and I think that got pushed away for Arc Nova, so Kind of gives you this idea that maybe it's. Maybe Maybe and it was good it was good and I enjoyed it I do have. Did we get the expansion Did?
Speaker 2:we, we, oh, the water one that they just released. No, I don't. I don't even think it's available to buy yet Silly.
Speaker 3:I think you'd pre-order it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, sorry, oh wait.
Speaker 3:Okay, well, I'll just pack up my Tinder blocks and go home.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, okay. Anyway, you're silly, I know, but no, you brought up a really good thing. I'd like to talk to you a little bit about it. So you mentioned Tom Vassal and how you don't necessarily agree with.
Speaker 3:I don't always agree with Tom, so much you know. He's not of the dice tower, he's not the one I connect with most.
Speaker 2:So who would that be then? Oh?
Speaker 3:absolutely, mike D'Alicio. Woo-hoo-hoo, that's cool and Z.
Speaker 2:Garcia yeah, I think, mike and Z, you're right, they're tasting games, do Kind of matches, yours.
Speaker 3:Although I have to say that one of my other favorite podcasts is sporadically bored with Mike and Dan, so I'm a little You're a little biased, I'm a little biased.
Speaker 3:I do wish sometimes I could speak with an English accent so I could talk to Dan Hughes properly. Yeah, that's it. If Dan Hughes walked in here with all people from the dice tower contributors, it'd be Dan Hughes. Would anybody think that I'd be like hey, dan, I love you. He's got that sense of humor, he's got that dry English humor that I dig you dig, I'm down with that, I'm down with that.
Speaker 2:Cool, cool, cool. Yeah, I would say Z and Mike Chris Yee also his.
Speaker 3:He does. I'm sorry, Chris Yee, I forgot about you. I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:When I don't want you to when.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm so sorry. I don't want that Because Chris and Wendy they love the beige, beige Euro games.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:So you know, Tom, you're falling down there. If we're like going who we really like for games, Tom's down like drop down four spots.
Speaker 2:Ooh, ooh, that sounds like fighting words there they are.
Speaker 3:Come on, Tom.
Speaker 2:All right, where are we at? We're tying here. We're at 416. I think it's been three minutes.
Speaker 3:It seems like an hour, but we've been talking for three minutes. It's the last time you look at it. You're sitting around. I have to get her off of here.
Speaker 2:I can't stand talking to her anymore, so okay, so a question for you Do we get a quiz today?
Speaker 3:Holy shmoly. Holy shmoly. A sporadically-bored, a sporadic quiz, oh, my goodness, spontaneous, oh.
Speaker 2:I thought for sure you would have had a quiz planned out this whole time you planned on going and recording.
Speaker 3:I got one.
Speaker 2:Oh, all right, Two published plain catacombs. Oh my God, direwolf games.
Speaker 3:Oh, for heaven's sakes, you didn't know that I did. You did not know that I did.
Speaker 2:I did. Is it Direwolf games? I?
Speaker 3:totally knew that Damn a Direwolf should be sending us.
Speaker 2:Okay, yes, earth, oh God I recommend-no the question is the age range of Earth.
Speaker 3:What is it Blank up? You know?
Speaker 2:14 and up.
Speaker 3:You know it's just because you've been suck in the bag.
Speaker 2:I can't be honest, it's like I'm sorry. How can I not edit this podcast?
Speaker 3:Come on, wait Was.
Speaker 2:I right, yeah, so far I got two Right.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:Who does Blu-Won City? Oh jeez, Like what do you mean? Who does it? Like you published it. I'll never guess that. Is it a? Is it a big publisher?
Speaker 3:Yes, very big. Seaman oh my gosh, you got it right as.
Speaker 2:Everybody in the whole convention just goes okay, okay, okay. That lady on the culture over there. Okay, she's beating up that guy like 20 minutes ago, and now she's a designer. Well, there's two people who designed it. I'm gonna say Bruna Cathalia is one and the other one is somebody who I don't know. Oh, it's right, I don't know. Oh, it's Reiner Knitzia. That's right, that is a Knitzia game, because I pointed that out, I'm a Knitzia, that is Knitzia. Our Germany listener three out of four.
Speaker 3:Thank you very much, reiner.
Speaker 2:Three out of four so far.
Speaker 3:I thought you're gonna get them. We literally like talked about that.
Speaker 2:How do we do that? Three out of four I.
Speaker 3:Really thought you had that one.
Speaker 2:I should have. I should have because I was like hey, it's a Knitzia game, okay, one last game.
Speaker 3:Oh, do you remember? Okay, need one of the designers on troll fest, troll fest. We got a game called troll fest.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a fiduci Bruno, fiduci Well.
Speaker 3:Okay, we got it.
Speaker 2:Well, that game seems really awesome. Hey, let me see that. Oh, okay, picture my.
Speaker 3:It's gonna be a lot of so sorry, troll fest.
Speaker 2:I've only seen this. Well, I've never seen this anywhere, but I've heard some pretty cool stuff about it.
Speaker 3:It doesn't matter what it looks like, it's kind of cute, it's cute.
Speaker 2:She's cool, art, art. So the whole, the whole thing behind this game is you. You create a rock band. Oh, and three to six players you met. Oh, had I not Fail, fail, fail. That's right, we actually have one friend that we could probably bring out.
Speaker 3:We got two.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we have a couple friends that could price yeah that's a shame. Why would that not be a two player?
Speaker 3:You know, it's probably so old that they didn't do a variant or something. Oh, it's 2021.
Speaker 2:That's not that old sweet. Oh, I thought it was older than that and.
Speaker 3:We'll find a friend.
Speaker 2:So yeah, come on over, come on out to Phoenix gone, and now we'll figure out how to play together.
Speaker 3:Hmm.
Speaker 2:That's a shame.
Speaker 3:What other games do we do by? I'm so tired about that why don't you tell everybody what games we bought?
Speaker 2:Well but are we still doing a quiz.
Speaker 3:No okay. Let's see that you got five out of four, four to five.
Speaker 2:I got four out of five. Yes, yeah, that's pretty awesome for a spontaneous, it is.
Speaker 3:It's just good for it was you've been, I've been not doing, not well.
Speaker 2:I've not been doing well on quizzes. Always a good quiz when Angie jumps out of her seat. Hold it this way, okay. Paris new Eden I've been looking at this one for a while. So post apocalyptic games are my jam. I just I just like that theme and this one it seems like it's a dice placement that's my jam seems to be a game that people are a little bit wish you.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't want, not the wish you wash. That's not it. Either you like it or you hate it. Almost right, I'll like you. Let you guys know how I feel about it, but it seems pretty neat.
Speaker 3:And then, as I said before, we got boom-boom city. This is something I heard a lot of people talking about, and then not in the bag, we also got an acronym.
Speaker 2:All the essential edition. Oh god, that was a steal it's. He got for like 30 bucks.
Speaker 3:And then we got I got glass road Uve. Maybe he's our germy. Listen, we haven't figured that out could be.
Speaker 2:Could be, could be.
Speaker 3:And oh, ten, I picked up ten the card game. And I picked up that because the Murph brothers like it okay. Because I, you know, I roll in with the Murph's, rolling with the Murph's, and I probably owe something to Nick.
Speaker 2:Why are you talking on my phone?
Speaker 3:Are you on Instagram?
Speaker 2:No, that was really this is just not. That was really weird, like an episode of board games and banter Just started playing on my phone go Instagram live.
Speaker 3:We can do our podcast and be listening to Myself all right.
Speaker 2:So I have to put a little plea out there to all of the people watching this and listening to our podcast. When this podcast gets released, I Am personally asking okay, who likes stars? Right your button. Your thing came on. Your thing came on, oh.
Speaker 3:My, thing, my, thing, my thing okay your mind. Just miss okay.
Speaker 2:So who likes stars? Do you like stars To those of you out there Watching like stars? I like stars. Now what I'm asking is If you, if you ever see us put a reel on Facebook, or you ever see a post that you like, or we ever go live on Facebook. Please, please, please, if you can Send us some stars. We're really trying to grow our Facebook channel, facebook channel, our Facebook page. We need to get some stars. Also, youtube will not allow us, will not allow us, to stream live, because we don't have enough subscribers. They're afraid of us, you're afraid of, I'm sure they are, so we'll go that way. But I Found out I was like, oh, let's go live on YouTube. But and then I click the button, they're like, hey, you can't do it because you're not cool enough. So if we could get some subscribers on our YouTube channel and, of course, of course, we're podcast first If you could give us a subscription.
Speaker 3:High-cast first.
Speaker 2:I Thought you're cutting me off.
Speaker 3:Oh, I'm so sorry, I would never do that.
Speaker 2:If you could like subscribe and follow and if you and rate and all that fun stuff and that would be great. I normally don't, normally not this like, please.
Speaker 3:Oh, I thought you're saying you normally don't.
Speaker 2:Okay well, now you gotta finish. Normally I'm not gonna cut you off ramble on oh why those of us, that those of? So yeah, I can't even speak now.
Speaker 3:I Ramble and everybody knows it, and yeah, you know what you need to do. If you need to listen to our last podcast, I'm sitting on the floor. Huh.
Speaker 2:Why are you sitting on the floor?
Speaker 3:Because I had to come close to the phone to turn off the alarm and I just kind of Okay.
Speaker 2:Something about the last up, last review of resurgence resurgence.
Speaker 3:You rambled on I.
Speaker 2:Well, yes, I Did, but that's okay.
Speaker 3:We're gonna admit it to the people on Instagram because they want to listen to our last episode. They want to listen to you ramble on about Resurgence, because he rambled. And not only did you ramble on and on and on and Made it sound like you hated the game, you got done and went. It's a 10 Because the game is a 10 and we should have brought it here. We should, I, we should have brought it here, but it would have been long, even longer than earth.
Speaker 3:Yeah it is a great is a researches. Now we're talking about researchers from Stan Kudoski. It's a really great game, but Chris's review of it picked it up part.
Speaker 2:Well then then you know, if I, if I picked it apart and still gave it a 10, then it's a 10. Now, if I picked it in part in a Way that people who understand English can follow the crazy paths that my mind took, then you're our friend our friend. Yeah, at the end of it I listened back editing it. I'm like, oh my gosh, I Made no sense.
Speaker 3:No, okay, this is the funny part. You are ultra prepared when it comes to reviews. I sit here and I wing it and I'm like you know, this was really cool. I like how the worker placement went. You know, I'll be talking about. Sometimes I don't, sometimes I am just kind of on moosey goosey with it, but this time I think I was doing very good, talking about mechanics and everything. Chris spends two hours. I'm gonna go record now. What are you doing? He's sitting on the computer typing out his Lit me of things he's got to talk about in a review and then you get to the review.
Speaker 2:Still everybody. How you really feel?
Speaker 3:You're normally very, very good at all that. You're normally very, very good. You had your eyes put, your eyes put together.
Speaker 2:I had my eyes put together.
Speaker 3:Yes, it's together. Hey, your eyes put together.
Speaker 2:No, you usually have your thoughts put together very well okay, oh well, I can't be perfect on all of them, so All right, so it was half hour of babbling. Those of you that has stuck with us, we really appreciate it. So thank you, everybody out there. So what else you want to talk about? I?
Speaker 3:Thought you were wrapping it up. That's kind of like the thank you for watching. We're gonna go.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay. Well, I'm wrapping it up then, oh there's two days left for a restaurant. Kickstarter.
Speaker 3:Hard.
Speaker 2:Yeah, alright. Well then, I guess. Well then, in classic chasing people's fashion, I'm gonna say this well, I guess, and you, it's time to wrap this episode up. Anything, we're gonna talk about next episode I Guess it's gonna be another mystery and there's like a fruit fly buzzing around my head. This is really weird. So, all right, everybody, thanks for watching on Instagram and thanks for listening To the chasing meeple's podcast. Keep chasing those meeples. See you later.