Chasing Meeples
A lighthearted take on board games with a sprinkling of hilarity - when you listen to Chris and Angie on Chasing Meeples, expect witty banter, game discussions, quizzes, and game night stories. Perfect for gamers of all levels looking for a faith-friendly gaming conversation.
Chasing Meeples
Meek Heroes: Victory and New Kingdom Gardeners
On potato's show Chris and Angie potato Meek Heroes: Victory and New Kingdom Gardeners and get this, Potato's quiz theme was suggested by potato listener. Let's hope Chris doesn't mess potato one up.....
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it's time for another episode of the wildly inconsistent but still wildly popular chasing meeples wildly inconsistent.
Speaker 2:Are we sticking with that? How about you just stick to the script?
Speaker 1:well, chris, after the zero you scored on Angie's quiz last episode. The Maple Chasers probably thought you went into hiding out of embarrassment.
Speaker 2:Whoa, whoa whoa. We agreed never to speak of that. Can you just get this show started?
Speaker 1:All right, all right, back on track. On today's show, Chris and Angie discuss Meek Heroes, victory and New Kingdom Gardeners and get this. Today's quiz theme was suggested by a listener. Let's hope Chris doesn't mess this one up. I heard that.
Speaker 2:Hello everybody, this is the Chasing Meeples podcast. I am your host, chris, and as always, I am with my lovely co-host.
Speaker 4:Hello, hello, it's Angie.
Speaker 2:Hey, Angie.
Speaker 4:See, I remembered my line.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it took us three times to get this thing started because apparently we've been so out of it that I forgot how to do the intro. Angie, how are you? How are things going?
Speaker 4:I'm great Good I am. That's good I am. How are you?
Speaker 2:I'm here.
Speaker 4:Oh no.
Speaker 2:No, I'm good. I'm good, but life.
Speaker 5:Life.
Speaker 2:Life's kicked in, life's kind of well. I'm okay with it, though. I really am, yeah. So I'm just going to talk about it right now. I'm going to get it over with. I'm going to get it out. On March 13th, I was a part of a restructuring at. My employer of 14 years Came out of nowhere. I'm okay with it, but right now I'm unemployed. Business is business. I don't know what else to say. I have no hard feelings against the people that I worked with. No hard feelings against the company either, I guess. But that being said, I do have more time on my hands. So, yeah, that's that I'm going to miss. There's going to be a couple people that I really miss, but life goes on. So that's that's that.
Speaker 4:That's what happened For a little while. You'll have some extra time to edit, so yes, so there should be a turnaround time before this. We should get some podcasts in the can we have to get like I have to get some preparation going so we know what we're doing and we can go in and kind of pop them out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, pop them out, pop them out, pop them out.
Speaker 4:Let's talk about what have we done lately? I'm good, I'm good. When I go back to work, I'm going to have we done lately, I'm good, I'm good. When I go back to work, I'm going to have work to do, and that means work to do from when we took a trip to St Paul.
Speaker 2:We did. She has a good segue.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we went to St Paul and it's the first time we've ever been in Minnesota.
Speaker 2:Well, not the first time, I mean as together. Yeah, it's not the first time I've ever been to.
Speaker 4:Minnesota. I've been to Minnesota. I went to the Spam Museum. Once there's a Spam Museum.
Speaker 2:And it sounds.
Speaker 4:Spam-tastic, Spam-tastic. No, this time I was at the River Center. I had a market to go to from work. It was really good. It was not well attended. I got a lot of free food, which is always good. It's good to be fed while you're at work. And then you. But you got to do the fun stuff. You got to go to the science museum.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah. So our son and myself decided to tag along. And this whole time on the way down, on the way down, on the way down, talking like somebody from the Midwest, here on the way to Minnesota, we've I was bragging to Gabe like man, you are going to see the Mississippi River. Oh my gosh, you better not fall asleep, kiddo, stay awake. So you know, you can sleep as long as you want, but the closer we get to the border I am going to wake you up. And I'm talking it out. And this whole time we're driving down, angie's like we're not going to go over the Mississippi River and I'm like, no, angie, we are going over the Mississippi. Nope, just a tributary, chris. Nope, nope, nope, no, it's the Mississippi River, it is the Mississippi River.
Speaker 4:There's never a sign that said you're going over the Mississippi River.
Speaker 2:So on the way back, there was Because on the way back, we went over.
Speaker 2:But Nope, oh, chance we get there. I'm all chance we get there, I'm all excited we're getting closer. Gabe, wake up, wake up. Here comes the mighty Mississippi and we start going across this river and I see a sign St Croix River. Now I had a choice. Since I'm sure Gabe didn't see the sign, I could have just continued to go with that, but instead I just went oh, there's the Mississippi, it's not the Mississippi River, it's the St Croix River. Well, gabe, I'm sorry, but you will have a chance to see the Mississippi River on this trip because I guarantee you, when we're at that science museum you'll be able to look at it. Right, so I was, so I mean, it's not often Gabe gets to see the Mississippi River.
Speaker 4:I'm excited about this, right, I know you were very excited about it. I was super excited about it. You are super excited about it.
Speaker 2:So then? So then, what did you do? What did you do? You snickered.
Speaker 4:I laughed at you, you laughed at me.
Speaker 2:I kept teasing you that no, it's a tributary Yep. But here's the thing. Angie snickered, laughed.
Speaker 4:I did.
Speaker 2:Then apologized.
Speaker 4:I did because I realized how much you really, really wanted to go over the Mississippi River.
Speaker 2:But then, after you apologized, you proceeded to twist the knife and make you were mocking me. You were like you were doing your impression and I don't know if you realized you were doing it or what.
Speaker 4:Realized I was doing it.
Speaker 2:Then I called you out on it and you said what I apologize. And then I said so it's. You said what I apologized and then I said so it's OK to continue to twist that knife and completely point out the fact that I'm shattered right now, that I did not, but I apologized. That's exactly what you said.
Speaker 5:But I apologized and I'm going to continue to make fun of you after apologizing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm just going to keep kicking you while you're down?
Speaker 4:Yeah, good, it's all good. No, you can't. Yeah, it's like I had a free pass or something. Yeah, that was. I'm so sorry, you were so hurt. Oh, and then, when we came into St Paul, we realized we were driving alongside the Mississippi River and you didn't go over until we were at the other side of St Paul.
Speaker 2:That's why, yeah, so, yeah so. So we spent the. We spent a couple days at the hotel while Angie was doing her work thing and Gabe and I decided to do the tourist thing. So we went to the uh, st Paul Science Museum, science museum or the science museum of minnesota, whatever it is. It was pretty cool. Uh, gabe thought the dinosaurs were were his favorite part. I thought the dinosaurs were pretty awesome as well, but what was cool about that is they had these musical steps and you, you had mentioned that that would be something gabe would like and I he really liked it. And they actually had some like these spotlights that were on the ground when you walked in the spotlights Okay.
Speaker 2:Drum sounds and bird sounds and things like that. So that was cool. That was a good experience for Gabe. There was an exhibit there about the human body and it was. I thought it was interesting. There was a section where you walked in Gabe's first time he ever saw like a holographic picture. Okay, oh it was. He walked in and I don't think I showed you that. I don't know if I got a video of that?
Speaker 5:No, I don't think so.
Speaker 2:He walked in and realized that wait a minute, that eyeball is like 3D, he's like whoa. He saw that he's like it's okay, buddy, you know, and touched it and he got a big kick out of it, I would say. His second favorite thing that was there was the exhibit on sneezing.
Speaker 2:Okay that's right. So there was this thing you know like how far does a sneeze travel? And there was a picture of this child there and a girl there and the object of it. You're supposed to open up this door. Well, I had no idea what was going to happen. So I just so happened to be filming. So I'm like, oh, what happens? And I've got the camera on me doing like a selfie and I open it up and like this water shoots out at you like she sneezes in your face. Gabe just got a kick out of that. I was thinking about bringing him to Paisley Park, but that was pretty expensive so I didn't want to do that.
Speaker 4:What is it besides a house?
Speaker 2:Well, it's Prince's house.
Speaker 4:And.
Speaker 2:It's like going to Graceland, if you're like a Prince fan. Yeah, and if you're a 12-year-old that would rather play a video game, it would be boring, yeah well, so you, yeah, and if you're a 12 year old that would rather play a video game, it would be boring.
Speaker 4:Yeah, well, so was you could say the same thing about a science museum, but he got a kick out of musical stairs. He was even OK with the Mall of America.
Speaker 2:So that was that. So right before we left Minnesota, we went to the Mall of America.
Speaker 4:A lot of walking, a lot of walking for Gabe it was, it was, it was, I think we got there very early, so it wasn't very loud.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:We did not do the amusement park, we did walk through it. Gabe looked at it. He was fascinated because you could see it all through the mall and he would sit and watch it while we're eating and stuff like that and the roller coasters.
Speaker 2:I am shocked, though, like we were talking about this and you know they've got the Nickelodeon experience or whatever.
Speaker 4:Oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:A couple of things that were kind of shocking to me. Shocking, that's not a word, but I mean it is a word but I wouldn't say like oh.
Speaker 1:I'm shocked.
Speaker 2:I was surprised, I know, when I went to the Mall of america like 20 some years ago, was not nickelodeon themed, it was just a theme park yeah right, and it's pretty much the same stuff that was in there.
Speaker 2:They just slapped a nickelodeon logo on there's green, painted it purple and, yeah, added slime everywhere. Right, there's some pretty like intense rides. Yeah, I guess you know a lot of flippy and spinnies and this and that for a nickelodeon themed. Even the kids rides to me seemed a little bit like on the extreme side of of kids rides yeah and then the other thing that you and I were talking about. So there was like a barbie cafe barbie malibu cafe barbie Malibu Cafe, which was vacant.
Speaker 2:They still had the signs there, right, but I'm thinking mall food court man Nickelodeon is missing an opportunity to have a Krusty Krab there, that was, that was when you mentioned that it suddenly it was like yes, obviously, that was just exactly. I mean they could.
Speaker 4:They could have had Krusty Krab, and that would have made a difference. That would have been fun.
Speaker 2:They could slap a Krusty Krab sticker on a White Castle slider and charge 12 bucks for it, and people would be happy.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, Absolutely yeah.
Speaker 2:You know, or even a Good Burger. Yeah, you know, even though I know that that's like 90s, right Sure, like 90s, right Sure. But if they had a good burger in there, you just take your ketchup, dyed orange or mayo and dyed orange and call it whatever that sauce was called Good sauce.
Speaker 4:Yeah, they missed it with the Krusty Krab. That could easily been the Krusty Krab.
Speaker 2:A lot of missed opportunities. I think Went through the aquarium.
Speaker 4:That was fun.
Speaker 2:That was cool. What else, oh? Rainforest Cafe.
Speaker 4:Oh well, that was a bust.
Speaker 2:So if you're a longtime listener, you'll know that our son has autism and he is also epileptic, so he has some sensory stuff going on. We talked about this like a day before.
Speaker 4:We did. I said, hey, let's go to the Rainforest Cafe.
Speaker 2:I was like OK, rainforest Cafe, does that still exist? And we looked and we're like, sure enough it does. So we get there and I'm asking the lady can we sit in the bar area where the mall is right? And the hostess is just yeah, not listening to me. Yeah, do you need a kid's menu? Sure, she brings us. Like right in the middle of the rainforest, we come walking in and it just so happens to be there's a thunderstorm in the rainforest and we walk in, so lights are flashing like you're in a thunderstorm. Rain sounds. Gabe is already sensory overload just by looking at the rainforest cafe sign.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like all right, this is probably not going to end well. So we get in there and you can tell he is just sitting on the edge of his seat. He is nervous. I hear frogs yes, gabe, those are sound effects of frogs. I see a tiger Yep, yep, that's just a statue. Then he notices that there's like these animatronic gorillas in the background and he's just done. Not cool, it wouldn't have been fair to us to keep him in there.
Speaker 4:No, it wouldn't have been.
Speaker 2:But what I thought was funny is you could tell he was visibly freaked out and I said, yeah, they're just, they're statues, they're robots, kiddo, they're not going to hurt you. What did you say to him? They're just like the thing in. They're just like Freddy Fazbear.
Speaker 4:Yeah, or I said that nightmare. What is it called? Five Nights at Freddy's? Yeah, that's what I said. It's just like the ones at Five Nights at Freddy's.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't know if you realized his look on his face. No, okay, let me paint a picture. He's already freaked out. I say they're robots. You say, yeah, they're just like Five Nights at Freddy's.
Speaker 4:He loves the video game.
Speaker 2:He loves those videos, he likes to watch the videos, but he knows what the robots in Five Nights at Freddy's.
Speaker 4:do they jump in your face?
Speaker 2:and they scare you. So I'm sure that, I'm sure that was not very reassuring to him, but I think he heard me. Oh, maybe he didn't, but I heard you. So I'm like, oh boy, way to reassure him.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I suppose.
Speaker 2:I asked him flat out Gabe, are you done? He's like yeah, I'm done, let's go. We left, we ended up eating at like Johnny Rockets, I think it is yeah and had a hot dog. It was all good.
Speaker 4:It was all good so that's our adventure at the Mall of America. It's quiz time.
Speaker 2:There is no possible way that I can do any worse than the last episode we had. I got a big zero, a big zero in the last episode and that's not happening.
Speaker 4:That is not happening this time um, this is a 10 point possible with a possible six bonus points. So first I want to mention that these are this is springtime is my theme, and that I got from our listener, ken Ken. I asked people to send in ideas for quiz themes or questions and he was gracious enough to do that. So thank you, ken.
Speaker 2:Ken from New Jersey. Our inbox has just been flooded, flooded with quiz questions. Angie, you probably have enough quiz ideas to last quite a while, and anytime we get one of those quiz ideas, I just put it in a special folder. I don't even look at it, so I have no idea what this is.
Speaker 4:Well, this was his theme. Idea was springtime. Now, if you know us, it's kind of a loose theme, but it's going to have to do with spring, like seasons, that type of thing, and I realize there are some games on here that I always think flowers. So it's not necessarily flowers, but new growth, that type of thing. Are you ready?
Speaker 2:I'm ready.
Speaker 4:Question one what game has an expansion called Downstream?
Speaker 2:I know this one Downstream.
Speaker 4:No, that's the expansion.
Speaker 2:Oh Okay. I just said that that didn't count, meadow.
Speaker 4:Meadow. Awesome, you got that one. Let me circle those two points. All right, chris, are you ready for the second one?
Speaker 2:I'm so ready.
Speaker 4:Okay, now the second one. The first thing is not going to think spring, but when you get the game, there are seasons in it, so that's where it comes from, and this game has. I'm going to give you four elements that are in this game. They're not necessarily components, but they are things that relate to the game. So are you ready?
Speaker 2:I'm ready.
Speaker 4:Goblins, shapes, cards and ruins.
Speaker 2:Ooh, when you started talking about seasons, my mind went to a completely different game. Did not expect that this is cartographers that you're talking about. That's right. Went to a completely different game. Did not expect that this is cartographers that you're talking about.
Speaker 4:That's right. Well, there are seasons 100%.
Speaker 2:You're so right, I was not thinking of that game. I'm not going to say the game I was thinking of, because I'm hoping it's going to be the next question Okay, this is one of your favorite games. Oh boy Pressure.
Speaker 4:I better get it right now. No, not games, the quizzes, the way I do this.
Speaker 2:Oh no, this is the On BGG. What's it ranked?
Speaker 4:No, or there's 12 games with the word season. In the title you have to guess the game. I'm going to read a rule for this game.
Speaker 2:Okay, and you're going to use the rules You're not going to make. Make it like you're not going to like that other game.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I'm going to change certain words to potato.
Speaker 2:Potato. Do you have a better word Legally distinct? Better not use banana.
Speaker 4:It is Just because it's also produce. It's a different type of produce. Are you ready?
Speaker 2:I'm ready Potato.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 2:Are you?
Speaker 4:going to say I say potato, I'll say both.
Speaker 2:No, just say potato, that'll mess with me.
Speaker 4:Yes, it will. You may play one potato, you may play a potato. You must potato the listed potatoes in the general supply. Potatoes may be played from either the potato potato or from your potato. Sorry, did I skip some of those potatoes.
Speaker 2:Did you read this to yourself out loud before you decided to read it to me?
Speaker 4:I did. Okay, you may play one potato. It's not a potato, so you got to think of what's good.
Speaker 2:No, kidding, it's not a potato, but every other word is potato, every other.
Speaker 4:That is Okay, all right, no, don't, no, no, I am. I'm going to take this one out. I'm going to take this one right out, because most of these are actually the same.
Speaker 2:You have to play the potato, I think most of them are the same word.
Speaker 4:to tell you the truth, it's like just about one word. I'm changing.
Speaker 2:And what do I need to do?
Speaker 4:Tell you what game it is you to play a potato? You must play a potato. Okay, let me say that again, you may play one potato. To play a potato, you must pay the listed potatoes into the general supply.
Speaker 2:Okay, that's every game we own. To play something, you have to pay a resource. Okay, that's every game we own. To play something, you have to pay a resource. Okay, got it, but this time it's not a potato, but you're saying potato.
Speaker 4:Potatoes may be played from either the potato Potato or from your hand.
Speaker 2:Or from your potato. So To play a potato. I have to pay a potato and then, when I pay a potato, I have to. Oh, I may be able to play a potato from the potato or my hand, yes, also known as the potato. Okay, but what do you play? So thanks for taking one potato out of that, but what do you play normally when you're potato?
Speaker 4:Yes, okay, but what do you play? So thanks for taking one potato out of that, but what do you play Normally when you're playing Card? Okay, so you may play a card.
Speaker 2:Yes, I got that figured out. You may play a card, but you got to pay a resource In order to pay a resource. You have to play a resource in order to do it from your hand, and it's one of my favorite games. You said or no, it's one of my favorite type of questions. Okay, I got it. This is wrong. That's not it.
Speaker 4:It has something to do with springtime or there is an element of springtime yeah, yeah, yeah. Creature Comforts, nos.
Speaker 2:no, creature comforts is not spring, they're autumn uh, but spring's in the game, I'm gonna, I cry foul. The goal is to get gather resources play a card. Okay, Dragon dragon, dragon tea party Listed requirements into the general supply. Dragon tea party. I just answered it Dragon tea party.
Speaker 4:Either the meadow cards.
Speaker 2:So I have to answer meadow twice.
Speaker 4:No, what other game has meadow cards? It has a display of meadow cards.
Speaker 2:I just told you.
Speaker 4:Not meadow.
Speaker 2:Creature comforts and meadow. Creature Comforts and Meadow.
Speaker 4:Creature Comforts does not have a meadow. Well, they have a valley, but there's no cards in the valley. What other game has a meadow that you can pick? It's got a giant tree.
Speaker 2:Yeah, everdell. Yeah, but that's fine, I'll take the hit on that. You need to work on your potato questions, you.
Speaker 4:Jeez Okay.
Speaker 2:All good.
Speaker 4:You got four points so far.
Speaker 2:I'm at four right now, it's not zero, no.
Speaker 4:Alright, I'm going to enlist Four games for you and they all have the word Spring in them. All right, I'm going to enlist four games for you and they all have the word spring in them. Which one is not a real game? You remember this one? Yes, I do. Spring Chicken, the Jerry Springer Show, the Spring has Sprung. Robo Rally 2, or Angry Birds Spring is in the Air.
Speaker 2:Come on, angie, that's such an easy one. The game. That is not a real game. That's what I got to pick, not a real game.
Speaker 4:That's right.
Speaker 2:The Robo Rally 2 game.
Speaker 4:Oh, you got it. I've always stumped you on that one.
Speaker 2:You did not.
Speaker 4:I've always stumped you on that one. Always, except for one time, right now. Oh boy, I feel bad.
Speaker 2:You feel bad that I got it right. Well, that's good, you should. You should feel horrible.
Speaker 4:I should have picked a better game title. I'm disappointed in myself.
Speaker 2:You almost had me with the Jerry Springer show, but I was like no, at some point in time they made a Jerry Springer show game. I you had to have been.
Speaker 4:Okay, which roll? And right Now this has two answers, so you could get an extra point for here it's a two-point question, but it's a possibility of three which Roll and Write game. Has a neighbor that messes with your garden?
Speaker 2:Oh, Three Sisters.
Speaker 4:You got that.
Speaker 2:You don't like that neighbor.
Speaker 4:Extra point what's her name?
Speaker 2:Edna.
Speaker 4:Edith.
Speaker 2:Farmer Edith Farmer.
Speaker 4:Edith Farmer, Edith, so you got two points for that one. I love the game. Don't like the neighbor at all. Okay, so you are sitting at what? Eight points? Ooh, what game has the following elements? You might have to think about this one Children, an alarm clock, a refrigerator and roller skates.
Speaker 2:That's. Don't Wake, daddy.
Speaker 4:That's Don't Wake, daddy, I got that I got that.
Speaker 2:That's Don't Wake, daddy.
Speaker 4:Don't Wake Daddy and guess how that relates.
Speaker 2:It won the 2012 Spiel des Jahres in spring no, there is a spring inside the daddy obviously oh yeah, obviously all right.
Speaker 4:Two, four, six, eight, ten. That can't be right. I guess there was more points available.
Speaker 2:It was a 10-point quiz.
Speaker 4:Yeah, no, I guess it was a 12-point quiz, Okay.
Speaker 2:So I got 10 points, 10 out of 12?.
Speaker 4:Yeah, no, there was more points than that, because there's another question. Okay, so I don't know how many points this quiz was worth.
Speaker 2:Well, that's just great.
Speaker 4:I have no idea. Okay, Um okay. Stardew Valley takes place over four seasons. Which element is not a?
Speaker 2:possible action you take at the beginning of the season. What's Stardew Valley? Is that the? Is it called Stardew Valley? Yeah, are you sure? Yeah, okay, stardew Valley.
Speaker 4:Stardew Valley takes place over four seasons. When you reach a new season, there is a card to take possible actions. The card will give you different actions you can take. I'm going to list you four actions. Tell me which one is not a real possibility. Okay, got it. It rains. You get a JoJo card, you gain a friend, or a crow goes after your garden.
Speaker 2:JoJo card.
Speaker 4:You get the JoJo cards, that's what you place on everything and that you have to get off those blue cards yeah, it rains too yeah, which one doesn't it do?
Speaker 2:what are you talking about? Which action doesn't happen?
Speaker 4:yes, which one's not a real action well, a crow takes your stuff.
Speaker 2:That's an option. Option Yep, it rains. Yep, you take a JoJo card. Yep.
Speaker 4:And what was the?
Speaker 2:last one Gain a friend. Yeah, oh, you gain a, but you get friends in that game.
Speaker 4:But you don't gain one off the season card.
Speaker 2:Are you sure?
Speaker 4:Yes, I am sure.
Speaker 2:I don't know if I can believe that you don't even know how many points this quiz was worth.
Speaker 4:You could get an event. Your pet could wander away, your crops rotate, your fish could move.
Speaker 2:But you don't get a friend.
Speaker 4:You can never gain a friend, you're right, you're right, you're right, you're right, you can gain friends in the game, but you don't get them off the season cards.
Speaker 2:I season cards. I should have did. The other question was how many cards there were. So the answer to my question of Angie. So technically did you get?
Speaker 4:that right. You didn't get that right. I didn't get it right I didn't get it right.
Speaker 2:I don't even want to get that one right. This is not even this quiz, Angie. You don't even know what the points total was.
Speaker 4:Let me figure it out, let me figure it out. Let me figure it out Two, four, six. Let me figure it out Eight, ten.
Speaker 2:Which is my score.
Speaker 4:Twelve.
Speaker 2:Fourteen.
Speaker 4:Fourteen Plus One Plus a possible fourteen plus a possible 6. So that would have been no, angie. Yeah, you just say no, a possible 20.
Speaker 2:You wanted it to be a 10 point quiz. It was a 20 point quiz Just take all the quiz numbers that you have, yeah, and make it equal 10.
Speaker 4:But, there's seven questions, 14 point quiz 14, but then you can get a possible six point bonus.
Speaker 2:So Edith was a six point bonus.
Speaker 4:No, edith was one, that was just a one. There's still the bonus question yet.
Speaker 2:Oh, we didn't do the bonus question.
Speaker 4:No, we didn't. Bonus question is always at the end.
Speaker 2:Well then, why did you give me a bonus question of what? Edith's name?
Speaker 4:No, we didn't Bonus question's always at the end. Well then, why did you give me a bonus question of what is either saying Well, it was because it was part of that, so I thought you were so confusing, I thought I'd just throw that in extra.
Speaker 2:Angie, you are not a game show host, I'm just saying.
Speaker 4:Well, this isn't a professional podcast either, so what do you mean? Let's face it. Let's face it. I think our announcer dude's going to quit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, who's to say? I didn't fire him after his intro for this one.
Speaker 4:Well, he was angry. He hasn't been paid for a while. He's been off of work.
Speaker 2:He ain't getting paid anytime soon either. Okay, what's the bonus question?
Speaker 4:What year did the Jerry Springer game come out? 1991.?
Speaker 2:1999., 1999.
Speaker 4:So you got 10 points out of a possible 14.
Speaker 2:All right I will take it In our last podcast, we talked about not doing reviews. We just want to do a deeper discussion about the games. I think that's just what we want to do. We don't want to do that. We don't want to do reviews, so we want to talk about games. Which games do you want to talk about first, angie?
Speaker 4:First I want to talk about the game New Kingdom Gardeners by Jack Dunbar.
Speaker 2:And who's the publisher?
Speaker 4:New.
Speaker 2:Kingdom Gaming.
Speaker 4:Yep. So this is an interesting game. It's different, it's quick, which I like. It's a 30-minute game.
Speaker 2:Really easy to learn.
Speaker 4:It's easy to learn, the rulebook is very good. It's a very chill game. It's like a family weight game. There's game to it, there's strategy, but it plays in 30 minutes so it's hard, you know, not to just pick up that one and easy setup, not a lot of components Interesting. The way that the game ends, the end of the game condition is as different and it could come up at any time. So let me tell you a little bit about the game.
Speaker 4:In New Kingdom, gardeners, you are a gardener. You are a follower of the divine creator, the Master Gardener. Ages ago the Master Gardener planted everything. Then he created people to enjoy the fruit of his labor. As the world grew, he appointed leaders called gardeners from among the people to participate in his work with him. They were given realms called gardens to sow fruit-bearing seeds in new corners of the world. So each player here gets a player mat. You have a row on your player mat for workers and you have another row for your gardens. Everybody's given a gardener.
Speaker 4:You shuffle up the gardener cards, dole them out two at a time and then you get to choose who you want. Each of the gardeners has a little bit of a different I would say power, but a different action that he can take. And then you have fruit as the currency in the game and there are the cards. Cards are very interesting. Now there are worker cards, so there are going to be cards in there that are assistants. There are fishers and growers and managers. Each one of those people have different abilities and this is a worker placement game. So at the beginning of the game, when you get your player mat, you also get five cards. After you get those five cards, there's some arranging to do with the deck, because there are certain configurations of the deck depending on player count. There are some miracles that you put into the deck and the master gardener which, when the master gardener comes out, that's how you're going to end the game, so that card gets placed in the last 10 cards of the game. So that kind of a mixture of the deck happens.
Speaker 4:After you originally start the game, your first play. So each player is going to look at their hand of cards and each thorn you have in your hand. You're going to play in your garden. There are workers. In your hand, there are seeds and then there are thorns. Thorns are the bad things in your garden. You don't want. You want to get rid of them. They cause trouble. You're going to have to. You want to prune them before the end of the game because they are worth negative points, so you're going to place them in your garden. The first thing you do from your hand whenever you get a thorn, you play it into your garden. Each card that you get that you're playing into your garden. You play next to your gardener, so your gardener's first, and then you have four spaces to plant a seed.
Speaker 4:There are actions you can take. The first one is to appoint a worker. So you may take in your hand of cards, you may have seeds and you may have workers, and you place your worker into one of the spaces on the top row of the board. The workers are very interesting because as you gain more throughout the game, you will be able to stack them up. There are four spaces for workers, but if you get another manager, you would put him on a different space. You would play him on top of the other manager card, because the bonus in this game is that the bigger team that you build is worth more points. So that's always a good thing. So there's, you know, these actions in the game that develop that kind of show. It's a competitive game, but you are showing ways to cooperate with, you know, with the people. You're cooperating with the workers and there is a way to even help out your neighbor.
Speaker 4:The second thing that you can do is you can plant. So you could have a seed in your hand and you plant it into your garden, and you want the seed cards because they are worth points at the end of the game. So you put the seed right next to your gardener, which shifts your cards down the row of your garden. The other thing you could do is you could pray, and praying is as simple as you're going to take two cards out of the draw deck, because you tend to go through your cards, I think fast in this game.
Speaker 4:Last thing you could do is you could prune. Pruning is how you get rid of those pesky thorns. You don't want those in your hand at the end of the game. So you could pay two fruit, and it's also you can use cards that you have in your hand as fruit. But you pay two fruit and you can prune one of the thorns in your garden. But here's the other thing you can choose to prune a thorn in your neighbor's garden because those thorns are going to get you points at the end of the game. That, I think, is very cool.
Speaker 4:The other cool aspect of this game is, since there's only four spaces in your garden, as you're planting, your plants are going to crawl off the board and onto your neighbor's garden, so you can. Maybe you're going to be pushing thorns out and you may be pushing seeds out, but whatever comes off your board goes onto your neighbor's board, so you could be giving them a benefit or you could be giving them thorns at the end of the game. It is a very interesting mechanism. I think it'd be really interesting if you have more people. You kind of go around the table. When you're finished, you recall your doves like a worker placement game and you take a new card you can have up to seven in your hand and then it's your neighbor's turn. The game is going to end when the master gardener shows up. We played a game where the master gardener showed up pretty quick and some you know he was like the last card. But that is how you play New Kingdom Gardeners. Chris, what do you think of the game?
Speaker 2:Oh, I really enjoy the game. I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly it was to play.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it was easy to pick up.
Speaker 2:The sliding of the cards. I thought that was a neat thing that we haven't played a game like that before.
Speaker 4:No no.
Speaker 2:I don't know if that's unique to that game, but it's a cool mechanic.
Speaker 4:It is. It is because there is that player interaction.
Speaker 2:And it's a competitive game, but it's also cooperative to a point. You can play cutthroat and I'm sure the more you play it you could probably get more cutthroat, depending on your player group.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But there is incentive to want to help your opponent. Yeah, for those extra points, and I thought that was. I think that's a pretty neat thing to do as well. I think it's a great game. I really do. I like the theme, I like the artwork. I think it's good.
Speaker 4:That 30 minute play time is wonderful. I mean, we have played games that like we'll start a game of Terraforming Mars and you get three quarters of the way through and we're like we're not flipping those tiles. Where are we on that track? You start to literally get tired. No matter how much fun you are, you're getting tired. This game it's snappy. Um, you're playing. You know you have game to it, but it goes, it goes. It can go quick. You can easily play two. You know, if you have an hour, you can easily play two games of this. So I really enjoy that. Um, I really enjoy that aspect. I think that that was a really great mechanism. It's really great the way he was able to create that.
Speaker 4:I'm going to tell you another really little thing. I like it's going to sound so silly you get two reference cards. There's enough for two for everybody. Why? Because the reference cards are the size of a basic playing card, but there's information on both sides. You do not have to flip over that card, chris. You have two cards. You can simultaneously look at the information on both. I am a player aid person. You know I'm a fanatic of player aids. I like a player aid person. You know I'm a fanatic of player aids. I like a player aid. I also like you know, when somebody adds a little notepad to add up your points and a really good rulebook. The rulebook really rulebook's an important thing that you can play a game without having to watch a video. I mean, I'll watch videos, but if I can learn a game from a rule book, I think it's a well-written rule book.
Speaker 5:Good.
Speaker 4:So that is New Kingdom Gardeners. I would recommend that game.
Speaker 2:So something that's really cool the listener of ours, Ken, who yes, who supplied the questions for your quiz.
Speaker 4:No, the theme.
Speaker 2:Sorry, the theme.
Speaker 4:I came up with the convoluted questions.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I knew Ken wouldn't let me down like that, but he actually sent us after our last episode. We did mention playing this game. He sent us an email and a little fun fact is that there's a card in there, sister Kimberly, his wife's likeness is on the card.
Speaker 4:That's pretty cool.
Speaker 2:So that is very cool to know, yeah, so thanks for sharing that, ken.
Speaker 4:Very cool.
Speaker 2:So you should check out this game Definitely has the Chasing Meeples seal of approval. Not sure if that's a thing, but it is now. If that matters, hey, great Chasing Meeples seal of approval. Not sure if that's a thing, but it is now. If that matters, hey, great Chasing Meeples seal of approval. Check it out at NewKingdomGamingcom. They also have a Kickstarter that they're going to be launching soon for a two-player card game. I believe it's called Soars Yep, and I'm looking forward to that.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's right up our alley so, yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:Now moving on to the next game. This is a game that I really, really enjoy playing. I mean, we've gotten a lot of plays of this game in and okay, so we know that dice throne is one of my favorite games, right yep this is. This is on the level of Dice Throne for me. I really enjoy it.
Speaker 4:Can you tell us a little bit about the game?
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 6:The city is under demonic oppression. Agents of the principalities have unleashed their henchmen throughout the city. Meek heroes have been called into action to build strength, redeem henchmen, battle for the souls of agents and banish the principalities that are terrorizing the city. Prepare for spiritual warfare. Meek Heroes Victory is a two to four player strength deck building competitive game. Each player will move their hero throughout the city to collect resources, purchase upgrades and charge their mech. When your hero is equipped, you will battle bosses, starting with the henchmen, and work your way up through the agents and, finally, to the principalities. Players can call on allies for support and continue to upgrade as they press through the battles. Be mindful of your enemies as they will grow stronger. The first player to redeem three henchmen, redeem two agents and banish two principalities is the winner.
Speaker 3:For God has not been so much that all of us want to condemn the world, but that the world will give him my consent, he that believeth on death and not in condemnation, or he that believeth not in condemnation already because he hath not believed in the name of the Lord. He doth be summoned from God.
Speaker 2:The game is called Meek Heroes Victory, published by Meek Heroes Gaming, and it's designed by Joe Bragg and illustrated by Jason David Light. I apologize if that is not correct, but the game is awesome. Basically, you pick a character card and that character has everybody has like an asymmetrical power that is exclusive just to that character. And you have a deck that has starting cards and there's a. So you collect resources. I'm gonna I'm gonna back up a little bit. So once you set up the game, you have, you have we'll call it a market and you have a resource pool and everybody gets a player board and a starting hand of cards. So basically, the basic way to describe this game is you collect resources in order to purchase cards that will give you a stronger deck. So it's a deck building game. It's, I would say, worker placement too yeah there's a little worker placement too.
Speaker 2:You you move from areas of the city. In each area of the city you collect resources, or you can buy a card and or you can charge your mech. You're primarily going to be collecting resources and battling, and then also you can call upon some allies, so you will have there's a group of cards that can give you special powers or aid while you are playing, that you can pay the resources for and you can use the power of Moses staff to help you to give you some extra strength.
Speaker 2:And there's three different types of bosses. There's henchmen, agents and principalities. You start off fighting against henchmen, so the way I can liken this is you're out preaching the word of the gospel and you are trying to convert these agents, or sorry, these henchmen, who are being manipulated by the enemy and the enemy's servants, right Yep, in your battle. I'm likening it to and this could be me, because you do have a mech, but you're out there and you are basically you're talking to nonbelievers, yeah, and you're trying to get them to come to Christ, and in your deck you have these automatic loss cards and thematically, I look at it like oh, those just get you.
Speaker 4:Like you played one game, you were pulling those.
Speaker 2:It's like every time I went in hey, let's have a conversation. Automatic loss oh, come on. Almost like the conversation I had with my friend the other day, Right? But so I looked at as somebody. Just I don't want to talk about it, I'm done.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But it is great, and the stronger your deck, you know, the more points you can get, the more upgrades that you have the worth more. It's a great game, another one that's quick to learn. I don't have any complaints about the game. The only complaint that I would have on this game is that it's got a digital rulebook, which isn't bad. I understand why they did that. What do you think of the game?
Speaker 4:I was I'm thinking of the word when you first got that game. I was so hesitant. I looked at it. You know the games that we have, like deck builders, but they're not my favorite type of game and when you battle bosses and that type of thing, not my favorite thing. Like you said, this game you get a player mat, all the different spaces on there. You're going to get a gem when you go to one of those spaces and then you can also get an additional benefit. You could buy a card One of the neat things when we're talking about the ally role and I did it twice or three times where you can pay so many gems and you can refresh the row Right. And because I wanted Moses, I want Moses staff, I like Moses staff and the first time I did that, the first game, I did that. I got the staff. The second and third and maybe fourth time we played it, I did not get it and so I was so disappointed.
Speaker 4:But you use what you got and I think in life that's what you do you use what you got. You know you're not always dealt a good hand of cards, but you use the people around you to help create disciples. So in this game, like I said, you collect gems and you can buy upgrade cards. So when you're building your deck you want to discard the lower value cards, because your hand are all 10 through well, there's like tens and there's like eights, and then there's threes and ones. So you want to get rid of those lower junk cards, so you replace them with these upgrade cards. So you have to buy the upgrade cards with the gems. You place those in your deck. The one unusual thing that I thought about it is there's really no discard pile. You use, uh, five generally. There's, you know some circumstances where it's different, but you battle that guy with five cards well, you can trash cards like you can get rid of cards on your deck, so you, but you're not putting them in a discard pile to be used again.
Speaker 2:You're using them. You're literally removing them from the game.
Speaker 4:A lot of the deck builders. You, you know, pick up your hand of cards. You have a discard pile and you don't get that discard pile back until your you know your play pile has gone through this one. You know your cards go back into your deck and then you shuffle them up. And so you shuffle them up and then you don't know what's coming up your next time around. But your hand of cards, you've got those automatic loss cards in there. And then there's other cards. It's not the resurrection, but there's other cards, upgrade cards that you can buy, that are powerful. It's like a 12 point card, but you have to take another automatic loss card yeah, that's the arc, yeah, the arc.
Speaker 4:Yeah, the resurrection, that one is worth a lot and that one lets you trash one of those cards. So the first time, I think the first couple of times, I got both of those cards and I'm all happy because my deck is really, it's really tight here. There's, you know, I had my one automatic loss card in there. You're sitting there with like 12 of them and you're pulling those out and I'm, you know, I'm doing really good. So, yeah, the last game we played, I could not get a res. You bought that resurrection card. Suddenly, that was it. It like threw me off, it like completely threw off my game. Suddenly I was like, oh my gosh, what am I going to do? I'm like oh, I was. I was suddenly like I'm going to lose this game Cause I don't have that card. I was really, it was really thrown off by that and you ended up winning that game.
Speaker 2:But you ended up getting a.
Speaker 4:I ended up. I got the second resurrection card, but I was just, I was shaken, and I like to be. You know, say that as my shirt says, I will not be shaken, but it was. It threw me off a little bit. I did not expect to like this game, chris. I did not expect to like this game. Chris, I did not expect to like this game. You know, as we normally do when we go away on a vacation or on a trip, we grab games. Sometimes we grab way too many games. I grabbed one game this time.
Speaker 2:And it was this one.
Speaker 4:And it was that one.
Speaker 2:And we played this game in the lobby, like in the common area of the what was it? Hampton Inn and Suites in St Paul, Minnesota, and we were having a great time. Gabe was on his Nintendo.
Speaker 4:Switch.
Speaker 2:We were eating our DoorDash that we had delivered and we pulled tables together so people were checking it out. People were seeing how good of a time that we were having playing the game.
Speaker 4:It's not my style of game but I really like it. I was really surprised. I will always play it. It's good. The idea of mechs don't thematically really fit in with that, but when you look at your mech it's an angel. So I think that's. You know, you're powering up your angel, so I think that's neat and that's good. You really want to do that.
Speaker 4:The first game I wasn't really sure if I wanted to do it. I'm like you're wasting gems because you have to spend so many greens, so many reds they're all different but you have to spend those gems which you could be spending on upgrade cards, but you have to spend those to upgrade your mech. But once you do, you get an extra 10 strength points plus. And you know what? The first game we weren't doing it you get to ignore your first automatic loss loss. Yeah, and that's the game. You kept getting like seven automatic loss cards and if we I don't know why we overlooked it, uh, we weren't reading the back of the card correctly or something big shock right yeah, yeah, big shock, but um, so that I mean, that's good, definitely charge, definitely charge a.
Speaker 4:Mac. Definitely charge a Mac. That makes a big difference.
Speaker 2:All of the. The thing about these games is you can tell these games are like their passion projects. Both of these games that we're talking about. A lot of love and a lot of care went into the games. What I really like about Meek Heroes is, you know, out of each four character on the character card, you have a. You know there's a scripture verse that goes with the character. That kind of sets the tone and each character. If you are somebody who likes listening to music while you play, like me, they have a custom Spotify playlist for each character.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's right as if to say what kind of music they listen to, that's right, that's right. As if to say what kind of music they listen to.
Speaker 4:That's right, that's right.
Speaker 2:That little touch is a nice touch to that game. You know, there was another point I wanted to make and there was oh, what was it? Oh, I know. So we're talking about strength points and we're talking about all that stuff. We're talking about all these principalities and enemies and henchmen. Okay, so you're building a deck, but how do you beat the enemy? Right? So each enemy that you have, or person that you're, yeah, enemy that you're going up against, has a strength value. So your henchmen, they can be anywhere from 25 to 30 points that you need to be able to beat them and I think that's the tension that I don't like with these type of games sure, sure, and you have.
Speaker 2:You have a deck of cards, but you can only pull five cards, and I think you mentioned that. Yep, so you hold your deck in your hand, but you, you draw five cards and whatever you get is what you have. Now.
Speaker 2:Certain cards have powers and they allow you to do more car yeah you know to draw like a free draw, free play, additional play, um things like that, but I don't think I mentioned that and I wanted to bring that up so you could have a value and and you know, all the way up to the principalities, where now you're looking at 50 to 55 points that you need to defeat this opponent.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So yeah, there's there's there's stress and there's tension there, because unless you get additional draws, you're hoping for good high points value. So when we say, upgrade your Mac yeah activate your Mac. Charge your Mac, that's the word. Charge your mech, yeah, activate your mech. Charge your mech, that's the word. Charge your mech. Do it, because that's 10 points, 10 points 10 points are big yeah.
Speaker 2:So now you know, those are big points, but what I like about this game, the other point I was going to make here, the other thing that I think is fun, that I like to do when I play the game, that angie and I like to do when we play this game, is each, each enemy that you have has a picture right and you have different enemies. So we, you know when we're, when we're going, we name them. When we're going across the henchmen, we'll look at them. We're like, oh, it looks like a bob, that looks like a suie, you know, and we'll name them. But then the fun begins when you start going into the agents. I am just naming people left and right, like there's one in here. It's like, all right, lady Gaga, here's Lady Gaga, and forgive me if anybody's a Lady Gaga fan out there, but we'll name them. We'll name them celebrities and I think it's. I think it's, it's just it's fun.
Speaker 4:And you know it's a strange thing, I don't think we mentioned the artwork. It's well drawn.
Speaker 2:It's a comic book style.
Speaker 4:I want to say it's ugly.
Speaker 2:What do you mean? But it's not ugly artwork.
Speaker 4:The drawings are ugly.
Speaker 2:You see the monster oh, for sure, yeah you know, so it is good artwork well, as you go on, you start off with your henchmen and they're just every normal everyday people. When you go up to the agents, you see a person, but you know that one person like half their half of them is them, but behind them is really, there's really something. Yeah, you're looking at, yeah, how the hidden yeah the hidden devils underneath them and yep, yep and that, that's, that's, that's cool. But then when you very thematic.
Speaker 4:but whoever drew it really drew it, drew it well. Well, really give they did well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then once you get to the principalities, you're flat out, you're going against demons, right, yeah, not even good, yeah yeah, but it's just it's. It's good stuff. They did, it's very well done. Yeah, no complaints. Another game I would definitely check out, and that is I'm going to give a couple plugs here, right, another plug. So that's Meek Heroes Victory. You can what is?
Speaker 5:it.
Speaker 2:Meek Heroes Gaming. Where do you get? Where do you buy this? I don't know, pause. So if this is a game that sounds interesting to you, I suggest you pick it up, and you can pick it up at meekheroescom. It's a very cool website. They've got a lot of cool stuff other than this game. Also, the designer of this game, joe Bragg, also has a really awesome podcast you might want to check out as well. It is the Christian Board Gamers podcast really awesome it's great podcast awesome podcast.
Speaker 2:Uh, listen to an episode they just did recently released an episode with Sam Healy, an interview with Sam Healy. Talk about real talk about just laying it all out on the line, sam was very honest.
Speaker 4:Yeah, he was incredible in that one.
Speaker 2:It was awesome. We listened to it on the way home from St Paul. I was into it. It was good. Before that, the podcast, which was really good. Another really good podcast episode was they basically took game mechanisms and they compared them to how they compared to our walk with Christ.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 2:And it was man like so many aha moments listening to it, so you guys should check it out. It is an awesome podcast. These are two awesome games.
Speaker 4:Two different vibes. You know completely different. You have really chill and you have like a really intense game. So, they're very different vibes, but both very good games and definitely you know, support these designers. They are new designers, they're small publishers, so definitely you know check out their websites.
Speaker 2:Newkingdomgamingcom and meekheroescom, all right. And then, while you're at it, check out our podcast page Chasing Meeples at buzzsproutcom, where you can find all the episodes that we've released up to this day. Yeah, all of our episodes, or you can just do a search for us in in your favorite podcast, but you guys found us, so you guys probably know that already. So we're also. We also are on Instagram and on Facebook, and occasionally we dabble on YouTube, so we have an Etsy store.
Speaker 2:We do want to still upgrade some stuff and yeah, I definitely want to still upgrade some stuff and, yeah, I definitely want to get more more things in there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so. So earlier in this podcast, angie and I talked about some. You know the event that happened to me on March 13th, and we also did mention that some really cool stuff happened in between the last episode and this one, so we're going to share this with you guys. As you guys can tell, we've been playing some Christ-centered board games and that is awesome. So, angie and I, we are believers. Angie, I just made this podcast illegal in like 50-some countries. Angie, I just made this podcast illegal in like 50 some countries.
Speaker 4:But well, you know something that we struggled with when we first started this how to stay? We stay neutral, maybe that's right Right. And you know our walk has become different. You know how we serve better, how we serve our church, everything. So it was something that we kind of had to look at each other and say you know what it's time.
Speaker 2:It's time Right.
Speaker 4:It's time, and it may be a format that no one else likes. Right, we may lose people, but I think we may gain some listeners.
Speaker 2:Yep still enjoy this podcast. If we lose listeners because of it, we're sorry to see you go but I'm looking forward to the future.
Speaker 4:Angie, I was just going to read something out of a devotional that I just recently purchased, and this is from Proverbs, chapter three, verses five and six Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to him and he will make your path straight, and I believe that wholeheartedly he will help you, understand and guide you if you just ask. Amen.
Speaker 2:Amen, and with that there is no other way to go out. Right, that's probably probably could have just stopped. Stopped it there, but I just want to end it the way we normally do keep chasing those meeples, but, more importantly, keep chasing your faith the show is over.
Speaker 5:We had our fun, but wait, before you go, there's something to be done. Subscribe, rate and leave a review. Share the love. It's the thing to do. Chasing people is simply the best. Tell a friend. Chasing people is simply the best. Tell an enemy. You never know they might like us. Then become your friend. Jason Meebles simply the best. Get an official t-shirt. Jason Meebles. Jason Meebles Chasing needles. Chasing needles.